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"will you two speak to each other now? it's been weeks."

"not until she leaves weasley for cam."

"i won't do that," lily said sternly.

"why not? you know your father wants you to marry him!"

"have you ever thought about what i want!?"she yelled out of frustration.

"lily. you said you liked him," lydia almost whispered.

"i don't! i haven't since term started! i like ron! this whole time!"


"you heard me," lily had started to cry. "i really adore him. even if he doesn't feel the same, i can't just throw away how i feel and date someone else. it wouldn't be fair to cam."

"lily, you should have said something," kim rubbed her shoulder.

"how could i when all you guys want is for me to marry cam? everyone! ced! my father! my mother! cam's parents! lydia! i'd get so overwhelmed i can't breathe around them!"

"we're sorry lily."

"yeah," said talia, nudging lydia to say something.

"i'm sorry lily. we have been inconsiderate."

"it's fine." she sat in silence for a while. then she mumbled, "i need to go talk to cam though," she wiped her tears and went to the common room. hardly anyone was there, but she saw cameron at a desk, studying potions.

"this seat taken?" she asked cautiously.

he shook his head 'no'.

"can i talk to you?"

he nodded.

lily huffed. "okay. i just want to apologize for being unfair to you at the yule ball. it was rude and cruel and you didn't deserve it."

"keep going," he dropped his quill and looked at her.

"and i'm sorry for leading you on when i can't return the feelings. it wasnt nice and i don't want to be like that towards you."

"you are forgiven, and only because padma and i really hit it off," he smiled.

"really?" she grinned widely.

"yeah, ron was so rude according to her, so if he ever treats you bad, tell me or ced and we'll sort him out for you."

lily giggled. "thank you but i think we'll be fine. he still likes someone else. but i'm really happy for you, really!"

"i'm not too sure about that one."


"nothing," he smirked, earning a shove.

she rolled her eyes and walked over to cedric, who was on the couch.

"better now?"


"good, because i want a rematch at wizards chess," he laughed evilly.

"you're on!"

isn't it romantic | r. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now