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later that morning, ron was discharged and went to the gryffindor tower to change and shower.

harry waited for him, and they met back with hermione in great hall, ready for breakfast.

ron sat down and immediately started to eat, feeling like if he was starving, but he wasn't because lily had been taking care of him. after he finished his meal, he noticed lavenders beading eyes and strong grip on a spoon.

he felt uncomfortable under her gaze, confused at her obvious anger.

"stop it, ron. you're making it snow," hermione told him, making him realize what he was doing.

"tell me how i broke up with lavender," he asked. "lily told me something, but she said she wasn't here for it."

"well, um, she came to visit you in the hospital. you, uh, you said some things in your sleep."

"don't get me wrong, i'm bloody thrilled to be shot of her. it's just she seems a bit put out." the three turned to look at lavender at the same time and saw what ron was talking about.

"she does, doesn't she?" hermione tried not to laugh. "you- you don't remember what you said?"

"n-not really. just- just one thing, but nah, it cant be."

"what was it?"

"well, i was calling for lily, and she was there, so it can't be."

"ron, lily was there the whole time, all three days."

"she was?"

"she never left your side, she refused."

ron wasn't even mad that she lied, rather happy that she cared so much for him. especially since he knows he would have done the same for her, even if he was with lavender or if they weren't on speaking terms.

he looked over to her usual table, but noticed she wasn't there. no hufflepuff was.

just then, when harry got up to talk to katie bell, lily walked in, laughing at something someone said.

she always seemed so happy to have them as friends. they were always a cheery bunch, easily can make anyone smile, but closed off and judgmental towards others. lily wasn't though. she was kind to anyone and everyone.

she sat down, across from ernie and next to kim. she grabbed her breakfast, a usual toast with jam and looked around. she looked for ron, only to find him already looking back at her. lily offered a smile and a small wave.

ron smiled back and waved as well, feeling his heart swell with joy.

"did something happen?" hermione asked with a smile, trying to ignore her worry for harry as he ran off behind draco.

"what?" ron snapped back into reality.

"did something happen between you and lily?"

"n-no. nah, nothing really. she was- she was just there."

"so you didn't hear that her and ernie broke up?"

"really?" he faked shock.

hermione laughed. "you're a terrible liar."

isn't it romantic | r. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now