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the next day, lily walked with cedric as he entered the room to put his name in the goblet of fire.

"are you sure ced?" she asked cautiously.

"i am," she sighed as she saw cedrics friends pull him closer to the cup.

"put it in!" they joked around. he passed through the age line and put his paper into the cup, then he turned back to his friends. ron tried to greet him but was ignored as ced went to his friends who praised him.

"hey lily," smirked ernie. she rolled her eyes and waved at him. then, lily walked over to ron and harry.

"hi, ron, harry," she greeted.

"hey lily. i see cedric is pretty serious about the tournament."

"he just want to prove himself," she shrugged, standing next to ron.

"internal glory. brilliant wouldn't it? 3 years from now, when we can be chosen."

"yeah, rather you than me," harry snickered.

before she knew it, the twins ran in, took a potion and put their names in the cup.

the cup exploded out blue flames and blew the twins away.

"fight! fight!" everyone chanted, lily simply laughed at their white beards.

the doors opened and ron along with lily turned around to see viktor krum walk in and put his name in the cup as well.

lily noticed he looked directly at hermione and smiled.

"did you see that?" she whispered into rons ear.

"see what? krum? of course i did."

lily rolled her eyes.

< >

later that night, everyone entered the room again, along with the teachers as dumbledore was gonna announce the champions.

"now the moment we've all been waiting for, the champion selection." he did some sort of ritual and then continued after receive a paper from the cup.

"the durmstrang champion is viktor krum. the champion from beauxbatons, miss fleur delacour. the hogwarts champion, cedric diggory!"

out of excitement, lily praised and cheered for her brother, clapping and whooping for him.

cedric got up and walked out with the rest of the champions.

when dumbledore was talking, the flame spit out another paper.

"harry potter?" he said. "harry potter!" he yelled twice. lily looked over at the gryffindor table to see harry being pushed by a concern hermione and an upset ron.

he walked out of the room, and soon all the students were dismissed as the teachers followed the champions.

"ron!" she called.

"what?" he snapped at her.

"rude much," she scoffed. "what's all that about?"

"harry's a cheat. enough said? congrats to your brother though. he actually deserves it."

"don't say that about harry, you don't mean it. and i'll let ced know," she whispered, watching his behavior.

"see ya later, lils."

lily walked alone to the hufflepuff basement and entered the common room. everyone was surrounding and waiting for cedric to come around.

"how do you feel lily? your brothers gonna have unconditional support from the whole school! since everyone knows harry's a cheat."

"don't call him that, it's rude," lily defended.

"but lily, this is your brother we're talking about?" lydia looked at her, trying to reason.

"so what? doesn't give you the right to put harry down. whatever the teachers decide, wether he is in the tournament or not, he should have support!"

suddenly cedric came into the room and received welcoming cheers.

"cedric! cedric! cedric!"

the common room seemed to have forgotten about lily's attitude as they watched her celebrate along with the rest.

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