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"no ron today?" lydia asked.

lily shook her head, "he called off the rest of our dance practices and hasn't really spoken to me since then."

"what a git."

"it's fine, cameron asked to study anyways."

"spending an awful lot of time together, haven't you," talia laughed.

"shut up, i'm off now," she said after grabbing her book.

she went to the common room and saw cam and cedric talking.

"let me go get my book," he dismissed himself, leaving lily with cedric.

"i heard cameron asked you to the dance," he smirked.

"he did. and i said yes."

"you didn't tell me, i had to hear from him."

"you've been busy."

"honestly i thought ernie was gonna ask you," cedric laughed, looking at ernie who was messing around as usual, making matthew and simon die of laughter.

"he did, but cam asked me first, and i said yes to cam."

"bummer for ernie."

"no, he's going with hannah. but anyways, have you even found out the clue?"

"no, but i still have time."

"if you need help, i can support you."

"sure you can," he teased. "listen, mom wants your measurements and preferred color for your dress."

"i'll send an owl," she said as cameron had returned.

"if you're not here by curfew, i'll hurt both of you," cedric threatened, making cam feel awkward.

"shut up, ced."

the two walked off to the library. cameron struggled with potions and lily was the highest ranking hufflepuff in most classes.

as they walked across the castle, she noticed ron walking past, heading to some beauxbaton's girls.

the champion, fleur, looked at him with wide eyes as he stood in front of her.

he seemed nervous and suddenly asked the girl to the dance, screaming every syllable.

after yelling, he looked around, made eye-contact with lily, and then ran away.

it shouldn't have bothered her, she already had a date. lily simply wished it was her who made him want to act on his feelings, impulsively, but that would be delusional.

"lily," cameron said, snapping her out of her daze.

"yeah? sorry," she turned to him and faked a smile.

"come on," he put his hand on the small of her back and encouraged her to move forward.

they walked in silence until they reached the library and found a set of seats.

"are you alright?" he asked, starting to catch on.

"i'm sorry, i'm okay. what did you need help on?" she forced out.

isn't it romantic | r. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now