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"you're such a great guy, you know. i wish i wasn't so hung up on weasley," lily said honestly.

"i know, but it's fine. guess someone else is gonna enjoy all this charm," he joked.

"so we're still friends, right?"

"can we be friends?" he asked.

she giggled and leaned onto his shoulder.

"look at that, it's weasley. go talk to him."

"i- i- i can't. he thinks we're dating," she mumbled, watching as he and harry walked back to the school, lavender brown trailing after.

"well us sitting here together doesn't look good either," he said, looking around from their position in the courtyard on a couples bench. then, he got an idea. "i'm a fucking genius."

"don't swear."

"sorry. as i was saying, we should fake date to get back at weasley."

"that won't work."

"why not? i know damn well it'll do a number on him."

"how? he likes hermione."

"how naive are you? godric! vi, he likes you."

"he doesn't."

"lily," he shook his head with a laugh. "weasley and i used to fight over you."


"yeah, in year 5, a lot. especially when you got hurt. he blamed himself a lot, he definitely likes you. maybe, just maybe a bit more than me."

"you're so prideful, i can't believe you admitted to that."

"a true warrior knows when the fight is over," he joked, making lily laugh. ron recognized it immediately and looked around for the sound. he felt his stomach drop when he saw that ernie was the one who made lily laugh.

he wanted to forget about her, so badly, but it was so hard. she was all he ever thought about. the way her cheeks heat up so quickly at the slightest compliment. the way her hair bounced as she walked. the way she chewed her lip when she studied. the way her dark eyes sparkled each time she laughed. the way shes subtly touch his skin, pull his sleeve, or grab his hand just so she could have his full attention. the way she would smile so big when he said nice things to her.

he hated the thought of her laughing over something ernie said.

ron huffed angrily and followed harry to the dorm bathrooms.

"he looked mad. this is good. i think it could work."


"yeah. you ready for my brilliant plan?"

she nodded.

isn't it romantic | r. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now