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the day of the final task came and summer would start soon after.

sat in the crowd between lydia and cam, they cheered loudly as cedric came out from under with her father.

"cedric!" she cheered.

"come on cedric!"

"you got this!"

"you're a winner!"

"win for hufflepuffs!"

she noticed her father trying to brag about cedric and cedric telling him to stop, which just made her laugh.

"silence!" dumbledore yelled, trying to shut up the band and the cheers of students. "earlier today, professor moody placed the triwizard cup deep within the maze. only he knows it's exact position. now, as mr. diggory-"

at that moment, lily and all her friends stood up and cheered for cedric. even those of other houses.

their father raised cedric's arm in pride and cedric blushed in deep embarrassment, pushing is arm down.

"and mr. potter--" now all the gryffindors and some of the rest stood and cheered for him as well, lily being one of the only hufflepuffs.

"are tied for the first position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by mr. krum, and miss delacour. the first person to touch the cup, will be the winner!" everyone clapped and cheered. "i've instructed the staff to patrol the perimeter. should, at any point, a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. contestants! gather around." the four gathered around dumbledore and he spoke to them.

"champions, prepare yourselves!" everyone stood and cheered.

lily's heart burst when she saw her brother hug her father. she wished she could be down there with them.

"on the count of three. one!" the cannon accidentally was shot and the band started. the boys awkwardly went into the maze and then the bushes closed up on their own.

"isn't this task going to be a bit anticlimactic? i mean we can't even see whats going on."

"i guess you're right," lily sighed, resting her head on lydia's shoulder.

"i hope it doesn't take long. summer is so close and i just want to know who's champion," kim complained.

the whole crowd waited in silence, watching as the hours passed by.

before it could become dark, lily went off to where hermione and ron were seated at, nervous for the results as they were talking long.

harry suddenly appeared out of thin air with the cup and cedric on the ground.

everyone saw and started to cheer, but lily's stomach sank.

"somethings not right," she whispered, but only ron heard.

everyone rushed down, clapping and cheering, with the band playing. lily ran off.

"lily, wait!" ron called, rushing behind her. fleur screamed and lily ran even faster. dumbledore ran to harry and lily was close behind him.

once she noticed what cedric wasn't moving at all with his eyes open, she fell. her heart had broken into a million pieces. before she could fall, ron barely caught her.

harry was crying and lily screamed.

dumbledore tried to get him to let go but harry kept screaming "no". lily wanted to run and cry, but ron held her back.

"for gods sake dumbledore whats happened?" asked cornelius fudge.

"he's back! he's back! voldemorts back!" harry cried. "cedric, he asked me to bring his body back. i couldn't leave him, not there."

"it's not true! it can't be!" lily cried, falling to the floor, right in front of cedric. ron held her tightly as she wailed in his shoulder.

"keep everyone in their seats. a boy has just been killed."

"dumbledore the body must be moved, there are too many people."

"let me through!" lily heard her father yell. "that's my son!"

amos fell between lily and cedrics lifeless body, screaming and crying as any father would.

lily gripped onto ron as if her life depended on it and screamed out of anger and sorrow, her sounds being muffled into his shoulder.

hermione tried to make her way through to comfort lily, as well as her friends who had also started to cry.

"no!" she cried, her wails making everyones hearts ache.

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