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"we need a breakfrom studying," ron dropped his head in a book.

"owls are only days away ron," she mumbled, "and i need a ton of outstandings to be healer."

"just a walk. one! us and hermione and harry. please?"

"ron," she groaned.

"for me. i'm worried for you."

"fine," she gave in, not being able to resist him. he grinned as he closed his book and practically dragged her out the library.

"hi," lily smiled to hermione once they found her at the exit.

"you always dress so cute, i'm jealous honestly," hermione said, looking at lily's out of school outfit, which consisted of a cute skirt, a yellow jumper and high thigh socks along with a her combat boots.

"thank you, but this is just out of my trunk, and the jumper is ernie's," she laughed.

ron frowned.

harry finally came and the lot started to walk, talking about umbridge and harry's guilt over dumbledore losing his spot as headmaster.

"they did everything they could, honestly. no one could win against that old hag."

"even dumbledore didn't see this coming. harry, if its anyones fault it's-"

"ours," lily and hermione both said, reaching the end.

"yeah, we talked you into it," ron said.

"yeah, but i agreed. i tried so hard to help and all its done is make things worse. anyway that doesn't matter anymore. because i don't want to play anymore. all it does is make you care too much and the more you care, the more you have to lose."

"but thats what makes you human, harry. it's what keeps you grounded," lily tried to comfort, rubbing his shoulder.

then she noticed hagrid.

"hagrid?" she questioned.

he called them to follow him to the woods. lily felt nervous as students aren't allowed in the forbidden forest.

ron assured her it was okay with a small smile and holding her hand.

"any idea where he's takin' us?" ron asked, him and lily unintentionally falling behind.

"hagrid, why can't you just tell us?"

there was a loud rumbling noise and lily grew nervous, but curious. ahead of her, she saw thousands of centaurs galloping in a hurry.

"woah," she said in amazement.

"never seen the centaurs so riled, and they're even dangerous at best of times. the ministry their territory much more, they're gonna have a full uprisin' on their hands."

"hagrid, what's going on?" hermione asked sternly.

"sorry for being so mysterious, you three, plus the lovely lily." lily smiled at the nickname. "i wouldn't be bothering ya at all with it but with dumbledore gone, i'll likely be getting the sack any day now. and i couldn't just leave without telling anyone about him."

within seconds, loud and heavy footsteps started to approach them.

nervously, they turned and saw a giant stand up and turn to them.

"grawpy. down here you great buffoon," hagrid spoke to it.

nervously, lily started to step back, bumping against rons chest.

the giant noticed them and leaped forward, making the four become startled and try to leave as it tried to get them.

"oh grawpy, i brought you company," hagrid said.

out of no where, it came running at them. scared, lily ran with ron, who tried his best to shield her away, holding her until the giant stopped moving, as it was restrained.

"i couldn't just leave him, because, because he's my brother," hagrid explained.

"blimey," ron mumbled, letting go of lily, who still refused to let go of his hand.

"well, half brother, really. he's completely harmless, just like i said. little high-spirited, is all."

out of no where, hermione screamed, and by the time lily could react, the giant had gotten a hold of her and hermione, holding them up high.


"lily! hagrid do something!" ron pleaded.

"grawpy, that is not polite. we talked about this. you do not grab, do you? they're your new friends, lily and hermione," hagrid tried to reason.

ron grabbed a large piece of wood and hit the giant, only to have it broken instantly.

the giant grunted and kicked ron away.

"hey! don't do that to him! that's mean!" lily scolded.

"put us down!" hermione said sternly. "now!"

slowly, the giant put both girls to the ground, and immediately lily ran to ron.

"are you okay?" she asked, checking his face.

"i'm fine! are you?" he held her close, checking to see if she was okay.

"i'm okay," she said, smiling slightly, then turning to the giant who started to move backwards, reaching for something.

"i think hermione has an admirer," harry said.

he pulled out a set of handles for a bicycle with a bell.

he rang it, then gave it to hermione.

"he gets his own food and all. it's company he'll be needing while i'm gone. you will look after him, won't you?"

lily nodded, staring up at the giant.

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