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"there's not gonna be any room for more if she keeps that up," lily mumbled to talia as they stared up at the inquisitions.

"bloody hell," talia said as they noticed nearly everyone running out of the castle.

"what's going on?"

"it's professor trelawney," informed kim, pulling the other two outside.

lily rushed outside to an open spot, and stood next to ernie and matt.

umbridge made a dramatic entrance and walked to where trelawney stood with her trunk and belongings.

"six... sixteen years i've, i've lived and taught here. hogwarts is my home," lily felt like crying. "you can't do this."

"actually, i can," she held up a paper and looked at her with the most heartless glare.

mcgonagall had enough and rushed to comfort trelawney.

"something you'd like to say dear?"

"oh, there are several things i would like to say. there... shush," she comforted.

the large doors opened again and dumbledore came strutting in.

"professor mcgonagall, might i ask you to escort sybil back inside?" he spoke.

"sybil, dear, this way."

"oh. i... thank you," she sobbed.

once she left, umbridge decided to run her mouth.

"dumbledore, may i remind you that under the terms educational decree number 23, enacted by the minister..."

"you have the right to dismiss my teachers, however you do not have the authority to banish them from the grounds. that power remains with the headmaster."

"for now."

"rubbish," kim mumbled.

"what a lousy sod," simon piped in.

"don't you all have studying to do?" dumbledore yelled loudly, making everyone rush into the castle.

"i'll see you later," she murmured to talia before rushing to find ron.

she finally caught up to him and pulled his sleeve. he turned with a confused look, but then softened and told hermione to go without him.

"what is it?"

"um, uh, um, s-study?" she suddenly grew really shy as she noticed hermione wink.

"study? it's earlier than usual, alright. come with me to grab my things," he insisted so she nodded.

she followed him to the common room and stood outside the portriat hole.

"hi lily," smiled parvati as she walked up.

"hi," she nodded back.

"looking for someone?"

"i'm waiting for ron," she looked down.

"i'll go get- oh hi ron," she said as he opened the portriate hole and walked to lily.

"hey, parvati. let's get going?"

lily nodded.

he started leading her to the library, but she grabbed his arm.

"not there," she said.

"where else?" he laughed.

she pulled him to an empty classroom, and he gulped.

she moved a desk to face across from another and sat down. he sat in the other and grabbed her hand after she took out her things. "whats bugging you?"


"don't lie. i hate it when you do."

she took a deep breathe and her eyes began to drop. "i- i've just been so frustrated! and angry! and i don't want to be angry!" her voice cracked. "i tell myself to act fine and fake it until it becomes reality but it doesn't work. i feel powerless and weak. i can't do anything."

"that's not true-"

"but it is ron! and now umbridge, is ruining my chances of learning to defend myself from the monster that had my brother killed! what if i'm next? what are we gonna do then?" she practically yelled.

"i won't let a single thing happen to you."

lily took countless deep breathes to calm down and ron refused to let go of her hand.

"have you ever had to defend yourself from dark magic?" she asked after regaining herslef.

"i haven't but harry has."

"do you think, he'd be willing to teach me?"

"harry? a teacher?"

"me or anyone really. everyone. don't you think he can do it?"

"i'll mention it to him alright. but you, you can't keep bottling up your feelings," he wiped away the one tear that had slipped out.

"i'm sorry."

"don't apologize. just talk to me. you need anything, i'll come flying."

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