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"no!" lily shouted as she sat up, sweating and hyperventilating. she didn't even realize she was crying.

nightmares seem never ending for her, no matter where she was.

groaning, she rolled out of the spare bed in ginnys room and left to the kitchen.

lily drank a glass of water and started to cry more.

"lily?" ron's rough voice made lily wipe her tears and turn the other way, faking a smile.

"sorry, did i wake you?"

"cut it out. what's wrong?" he asked, walking up to her.

her entire face fell as he pulled her into his chest, lily crying silently.

"it's the worst. he's dying in front of me, and theres nothing i can do," she sobbed. "i'm so weak."

"you're not. you're so strong and smart, you have no idea."

"ron, stop," she whined.

"i'm being honest. i'd never lie to you," he played with her hair.

"i miss him so much," she sobbed. "i try to remember the last thing i said to him. and i know it was probably not so meaningful, like good luck or something, but i know i hugged him before going to the third task, but still. i miss him."

"it's alright love. those who mean the most, never really leave," he whispered. lily didn't even realize the sweet nickname he used on her.

she cried in his arms for a couple more minutes and eventually calmed down.

ron pulled away to look at her face, lifting her chin with his finger.

he gazed at her beautiful face, shiny red cheeks, swollen eyes, and puffy lips.

"amazes me how beautiful you are," he whispered mindlessly.


he blushed deep red, thinking he only thought that.

maybe it was because he was so tired.

or because she was so pretty.

but ron found himself leaning in, cupping her cheek and wiping away the tears.

"this okay?" he asked as their lips were mere centimeters apart.

her breathe hitched as she nodded, closing her eyes.

ron slowly closed his eyes as well, leaning in until their lips met.

lilys lips were salty due to her tears, but ron didn't care.

nothing else mattered, nothing else existed.

ron suddenly felt really guilty, kissing her when she was so vulnerable. he pulled apart and apologized.

"i'm sorry. sorry, uhm, just forget about it."


"it was a mistake. i'm sorry," he started walking backwards to the stairs.

"a mistake," lily repeated, her heart slightly breaking at the words.

"i'm sorry, just forget it happened."

he ran up the stairs, his heart pounding, feeling as guilty as ever.

"a mistake," lily sighed, drinking more water to stop herself from crying again and decided she wasn't going to let it effect her.

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