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"lily! how was your summer?" asked lydia, one of lilys closest friends.

"it was fine. i went on a trip to denmark, but thats about it. how was yours?"

"it was so much fun! i went on a european cruise with my parents and then i had an amazing time in morocco with my brothers! we saw dragons and unicorns. gosh it was amazing!" lydia unintentionally bragged. after she noticed she started to apologize. "i'm sorry lily."

"no it's not that," she chuckled. "um, a lot happened yesterday actually."

"what happened?"

"did you hear about what happened at the quidditch world cup?"

"yeah in the daily prophet."

"i was there," she whispered.

"you were?" peaked in kimberly and natalia.

"at the world cup? are you alright?"

"yeah. i am now."

she told her friends the story, then leaving to check on harry, ron and hermione.

"lily!" called a compartment of hufflepuffs once she made it out of her own.

"hi," she smiled to meet cameron gerber, simon jennings, jackson wright, ernest macmillian and matthew kettlekoft.

"where you off to? sit down," ernie smirked at her.

"ernie! good holiday?" she smiled, oblivious of his flirting.

"boring when i can't see you my dear," he said dramatically, making his friends laugh.

"sad little life you live, don't you?"

"come on diggory! sit with me!"

"i'm off! see you at the opening ceremony," she waved at them. "missed you though."

"violet baby!" he called once she left.

"you are dropping so low, ern," laughed matthew.

"sod off matt," he punched his arm, making simon roll his eyes.

"you shouldn't mess with her like that." cameron sighed.

"if you won't act on your crush on her, then i will," he glared at cameron.

lily skipped down the train until she found their cart, she knocked and quietly stepped in.

"can i come in?"


"i'm so glad you guys are alright. when i went through the portkey without you guys i got so scared." she hugged hermione tightly, then put her hand on harry's shoulder, sitting next to him.

"i was so worried about you," she said to harry. "how are you feeling?"

"a bit shaken up, but i'm fine," he said, wondering why she was so caring, but then he remembered her house.

"how can the ministry not know who conjured it?" hermione exclaimed, clearly frustrated with the situation. "wasn't there any security? or-"

"loads, according to dad," ron said, while eating a drooble. "that's what worried them so much. happened right under their noses."

harry winced and touched the side of his forehead. lily and hermione both noticed.

"it's hurting again, isn't it?"

"i'm fine," he shrugged her off.

"sirius is gonna want to know about this."

"sirius? sirius black?" lily asked a bit worried.

"it's a long story but he was wrongly accused," hermione said. lily nodded, trusting her.

"i think i should leave you guys some privacy," she excused herself, leaving the cart after waving and smiling at ron.

she finally noticed him.

his hair looks cute when it's long.

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