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lily groaned as she picked herself up from the ground, panting and checking on ron as a reflex.

"department of mysteries. they got that one right, didn't they?"

harry started to walk up towards the bright light, two arches in the middle of the area.

"the voices... can you tell what they're saying?"

"there aren't any voices harry," hermione responded in her know-it-all voice.

lily rolled her eyes and then heard a voice.

you're gonna be okay.

"do you hear that?" lily asked ron.

you're doing so well. so strong.

i love you lily

lily looked at the archway. there was no doubt in her that it was cedric talking to her.

"cedric?" lily whispered, feeling weak to her knees. 

"you- you heard him?" ron touched her shoulder.

"let's get out of here," hermione said.

"i hear them too," luna piped in.

"harry, it's just an empty archway," hermione stated again.

"get behind me!" harry suddenly yelled when he turned, the rest hurrying behind him.

lily grunted as in a matter of seconds she was far apart from ron and harry, being held against her will by some death eater.

"did you actually believe.. or were you truly naive enough to think that children stood a chance against us?" lucius mocked. lily tried to leave the mans grasp but he put her neck in his arm and held her in a chokehold. "i'll make this simple for you, potter. give me the prophecy now or watch your friends die."

"harry! don't do it!" lily choked out, breathing heavily. she screamed as he pulled her hair and started to strangle her, lily fighting with all her might.

"don't give it to him harry!" neville chimed in, being pulled by bellatrix. right went harry was about to give lucius the prophecy out of guilt for his friends being in danger, a large flash appeared, and sirius black, who lily found out was harry's godfather, stood in front of her.

"get away from my godson," he threatened, punching lucius.

another flash of light and lily's captor was pushed away. she nearly fell onto the ground grasping for air, luna was released as well and rushed to aid lily. more of the order came and started to fight off the death eaters.

ron ran quickly to them, watching lily fall unconsciously.

"no!" he screamed, catching her in his arms. tonks came up behind them and rushed them to a safe place where they can hide.

"is she..?" tonks asked.

"no, she's still breathing!"

"you've got to go now!" ron carried lily bridal style and went to hide with the rest.

"is she alright?" hermione asked, beyond worried.

"she's just unconscious. check her pockets, she always has herbs on her," ron said.

hermione took out a leather storage roll filled with all kinds of plants.

"amazing," neville gasped.

"neville! help her please! which one?"

"dittany? does she have it? it can help!"

"she does," ron carefully sat her up and gave her some in her mouth, hoping for the best that it'd work.

hermione had never seen him so worried. he held onto her like his life depended on it, rocking back and forth, looking for any signs that she'd wake. she groaned a bit and her head fell back again.


"she's fine! it's working, she's just unconscious is all."

trusting neville, they turned back to the battle, just then bellatrix killed sirius black with the killing curse.

harry went after her, leaving the room, and locking the door. they heard a struggled and silence followed after, nothing else but harrys screaming.

they went in and watched harry on the ground, hyperventilating and struggling.

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