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soon enough, harry's classes to form dumbledore's army had begun in the room of requirement.

lily enjoyed them thoroughly, enjoying spending time with her friends and learning new things. she mastered the expelliarmus spell quite well, quicker than most.

today, harry was having them learn the stunning stupefy spell.

"stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal. it's, it's sort of a wizard's bread and butter, really," harry said making lily laugh. "so um, come on then, nigel. give me your best shot."

the two stood apart from each other and faced one another. the younger boy focus for a bit before stepping forward and yelling a powerful 'stupefy'.

with that, harry went flying backwards, and so did the young boy.

"good. not bad at all, nigel. well done," harry praised, trying to not seem to impressed. once he stood up and dusted off his pants, he said, "lily, ron, why don't you two have a go."

shyly, she stepped to where harry once was and ron came up to her, wreaking of confidence.

"don't worry. i'll go nice on you," ron told her. she looked at his sly face and read that he wasn't joking, but rather boosting his own head.

"oh, please do," she faked shyness and laughed as he nodded and walked away.

the girls started moving one way, while the boys went another. lily and ron faced each other, with their wands out, in a stance.

she started to concentrate, feeling the magic run through her veins. she breathed in and exhaled, looking at ron. once his arm started to rise the slightest bit, she retracted her wand and then flicked it to him quickly, shouting stupefy and sending the poor boy flying backwards, just how harry had earlier.

she smiled to herself and stood properly. hermione rushed to her and smiled, "i love you for that."

"you're so good," kim giggled, turning to ron as the other girls joined and teased ron.

after a few more trials between girls and boys, harry stated that it was getting late and they should head back before becoming too suspicious.

lily went for her bag and robe, putitng it on and her hood as well.

"lily! wanna go grab a 5th meal," ron awkwardly joked, bringing up a thing they used to do together, which includes going to pick up food after dinner.

"sorry ron, ernie and i had agreed to meet up after class to talk about prefect duties, congrats on becoming one too!" she smiled at him.

"right. thanks. see you later than."

"bye ron," then she turned to harry. "thank you for the lesson," she thanked him sweetly and then ran a bit to catch up to ernie, who was waiting for her. he gave ron a look that he didn't quite understand.

looking for advice, he turned to hermione.

"hey, 'mione," he asked. "what do you think of ernie macmillan?"

"handsome. strong. ranked 3rd most handsome our year within the girls. why you ask?" she smirked as she noticed lily and ernie walking away.

"somethings not right with him, i can feel it."

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