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the next morning, lily walked the first years to transfigurations and then left to her first class of the day, potions.

she stood next to hermione and talia, feeling a bit left out as they only spoke to each other.

professor slughorn started the class by introducing himself, then proceeded to show them potions he had brewed to show the class.

"attention to detail in the preparation is the prerequisite of all planning," he said.

just then, harry and ron walked through the door. lily straightened up as they made eye contact.

"ah, harry my boy. i was begining to worry. you brought someone with us i see."

"ron weasley, sir," he smiled, making lily smile.

she was nudged by hermione, who motioned to lavender brown. lily looked at her, and she seemed beyond excited that he was there, almost obsessed.

"but i'm dead awful at potions, a menace, actually, so..." lily giggled as he tried to get out of the class. "i'll probably just go."

"nonsense, we'll sort you out. any friend of harry's is a friend of mine. get your books out."

"uh, sorry, sir. i haven't actually got my book, nor has ron."

"not to worry, get what you want from the cupboard," he said. "now as i was saying, i prepared some concoctions this morning. any ideas what this might be?"

hermione's hand immediately shot up, and lily noticed talia smile.

"yes, miss..."

"granger, sir," she said, stepping forward, "that one there is veritaserum. it's a truth telling serum. and that would be the polyjuice potion. it's terribly tricky to make. and this is amortentia, the most powerful potion in the world. i-it's rumored to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them. for example i smell, baby powder, coconut, and peanut butter," she stuttered out, blushing deeply.

lily smirked, leaned in a bit to smell talia's hair, getting an instant whiff of her coconut perfume.

talia pushed lily away, blushing insanely.

"now, amortentia doesn't create actual love. that would be impossible. but it does cause a powerful infatuation or obsession. and for that reason it is, probably, the most dangerous potion in this room," professor slughorn said as he covered it.

"sir, you haven't told us whats in that one?" lily asked, causing rons ears to perk up at the sound of her voice.

she looked sweet, her hair down and pieces falling onto her face.

"oh, yes. what you see before you, ladies and gentlemen, is a curious little potion known as felix felicis. but it is more commonly referred to as—"

"liquid luck," hermione interrupted.

"yes, ms. granger," he grinned. "liquid luck. desperately tricky to make. disastrous, should you get it wrong. one sip and you will find that all your endeavors succeed. at least until the effects wear off. so this is what i offer each of you today. one tiny vial of liquid luck to the student who in the hour that remains manages to brew an acceptable draught of living death, the recipes for which can be found on page ten of your books. i should point out, however, only once did a student manage to brew a potion of sufficient quality to claim this prize. nevertheless, good luck to you all."

following hermione and talia, lily went to her table and started to brew the potion once she found the recipe.

disaster after disaster, she was no where near creating such a difficult potion.

eventually, she started to give up as seeing harry and hermione argue over harry's success. lily looked at ron, who was looking at her already. it was awkward.


"hey.." he dragged out, looking down.

"i dunno if someones told you, but ernie and i-"

"i know. and, honestly, i'm happy for you," he forced out a smile.

"you are?" lily asked through obvious confusion.

"yeah, you deserve someone to sweep you off your feet. wish you the best, mate," he said, treating her as any other person.

lily frowned. that surely wasn't what she expected. it's not like her and ernie were dating yet anyways.

"thanks, i guess?"

alas, harry brewed the best potion and won.

along with the rest of the class, lily stood next to ron, clapping for harry.

lavenders obsessive gaze towards ron did not go unnoticed by lily. she nearly scoffed.

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