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the ball came sooner than anyone expected. after a month of plannings and practicing for this magical night, everyone was ready.

lily promised cameron to meet at the great hall.

"are you ready?" asked talia.

"just a little more," she said as she put on lipgloss.

she finished some last touches and turned to talia.

"how do i look?"

she took one spin in her lavender dress and giggled.

"you're stunning," she gasped.

lily smiled and the two went hand in hand to the great hall, since kim and lydia had already left.

in the entrance she found cameron dressed in robes, looking handsome.

"you're beautiful," he smiled at her.

"thank you, you look great too!" they connected arms and walked into the hall.

she didn't know that ron was staring at her and cameron the whole time until they met up with their friends.

"lily! you look so- ahhhhh!" ernie said dramatically, biting his fist.

"stop," she laughed at him, stopping when she saw hannah's somewhat annoyed faced.

on rons end, he turned to padma and sighed. she was pretty of course, but no one would compare to lily.

once the hall properly opened up, the champions and their dates walked to the center.

lily clapped for cedric, harry and hermione.

after they were settled, the orchestra started and they began to dance.

lily wanted to laugh at harry's movement but she refrained. once dumbledore asked mcgonagall to dance, everyone began to pair off and join them.

"let's dance!" she pulled cameron, who groaned but joined her nonetheless.

they danced at the quick pace of the song, cameron lifting her when necessary.

after the first couple songs, lily whispered into camerons ear.

"can you do something for me?"


she continued to tell him what she wanted and he agreed, even if he didn't want to. with that, the walked off the dance floor and walked over to where padma and ron were seated at.

"i would say may we cut in but you're seated," she joked, only to earn a laugh from padma and a frown from ron.

lily nudged cameron and he cleared his throat.

"weasley, you wouldn't mind if i took padma to dance?" cam questioned.

"knock yourself out," ron mumbled.

"may i," he offered his hand to padma, which she took gratefully.

once they returned to the dance floor, lily took a seat next to ron.

"you look handsome," she complimented out of awkwardness.

"thanks," he said, turning the other way.

"ron, please talk to me."

"theres nothing to say."


"look, lily. you're a great girl, honestly, but i'm just not up for it tonight."

"fine," she sat in silence until she decided to just go for it, "but you owe me."

"the bloody hell do i owe you?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"a dance you knob," she scoffed.

"you weren't serious."

"of course i am! i taught you to dance! do you have any idea how many times i've been stepped on by you!" she complained, earning herself a laugh from ron. "that's better."

she smiled at him with the sweetest eyes and ron gulped. he shouldn't feel this way, but he does. he can't help it.


"really?" she grinned.

"yeah. only because i owe you," he rolled his eyes and stood up.

he led her to the dance floor and softly pulled her closer by the waist. the song was a slow dance, and lily had showed him exactly how to do it. but this time it was serious. this time it was different.

she had her hands on his tall shoulders and practically hugged him close, resting her head on his chest in complete comfort.

his behavior mimicked hers as he lowered his head into the side of hers.

the two swayed, trapped in each other's company.

just before the song could end, ron whispered into lily's ear.

"you look beautiful."

an/ i just wanted to say that ron didn't ruin the night for everyone! this basically just shows how lily can change rons whole mood thanks theyre so cute

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