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lily groaned as the sunlight hit her eyes.

she rolled around and saw talia slumped on one side of the bed, with kim on the other.

lily rubbed her eyes and adjusted to the brightness in kims room.

she jumped off the bed, trying her best to not step on any pranks and food that they left lying around the night before.

she hurried to the bathroom in the hall and washed her face.

"kim, darling? is that you?"

"no, mrs gerwiggings. she's still sleeping," lily replied, stepping out of the bathroom.

"wake her up soon! you're going to be late for mrs prynnes muggle wedding," she laughed.

lily groaned at the idea.

"wake up, losers!" she laughed, throwing clothes and pillows at them. "the wedding is today!"

"damn it. i nearly forgot why i slept over," talia laughed. talia's sister was finally getting married, but being muggle born, it was not as interesting of a wedding. her home was packed with all sorts of family, so she had to move all her magic items into kimberlys house to prevent them from finding out.

"what even happens at muggle weddings?"

"they go to church and are binded by a priest," talia explained.

"a what?"

"a sorcerer?" the two made faces of confusion.

"no. a priest. a representative of their god."

"do they even know their god?"

"do you even know merlin?"

"of course we do! wouldn't be here if it weren't for him!"

"muggles, so naive. haven't even met their... whats he called again?"

"jesus christ?" talia laughed.

"that's the one! so where's the proof?"


"that's a load of rubbish."

"shut up, pureblood," kim laughed at talias playful resentness.

"i'm not even a pure blood? my grandma's a muggle. so what's that? 25%?"

"dunno. lily?"

"your grandpa's parents were pure bloods?"

"dunno," she shurgged.

"i estimate 25 or less."

"girls! get a move on!" yelled mrs gerwiggens, making them all hurry and rush.

within 2 hours, the three hufflepuffs were ready to go.

"i got the fl-"

"we can't travel by floo," talia stopped them.

"whaddya mean we can't?" kim snapped.

"well we can't exactly turn up to a muggle party through a chimney."

"she's right kimberly. you're gonna have to travel... by the underground," said kim's mom. lily and kim looked at talia in horror.

"w-what's that?" they asked, worried.

"it's not bad i promise. let's just get going!"

they bid goodbye to kim's parents and followed talia throughout london.

"so muggle's actually have to, ya know, move?" kim asked in disbelief.

"it's called a subway, just follow me, and try to look like you've seen it," she laughed, pulling her two best friends onto the train.

staring at people and abnormal things, they eventually arrived to the prynne residence.

"mum, this is lily and kim. they're my best friends."

"lovely to meet you mrs. prynne."

"thank you for joining us on marina's special day," she hugged them both and went to greet others.

once they were about to start eating, the boys arrived.

"how'd you get here?" talia asked, sitting them down.

"justin taught us how to use this," ernie pulled out a card and laughed. "it's called an oyster card, very useful between muggles apparently."

"we used one too when we traveled underground," talia explained, making everyone nod as they understood.

"so this is your floo powder," lily grabbed the card and looked at it, "rather boring."

talia rolled her eyes, she couldn't believe they didn't know about these things. she thought about hermione, wondering of the boys ever reacted like this to muggle things.

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