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"hey you," ron mumbled, sitting across from lily in potions.

"hi, ron."

"didn't see you after the trials."

"ah, yeah sorry i had to meet with ernie, congrats on being keeper though," she smiled sweetly.

"yeah, thanks. is macmillan playing as well?"

"yeah! he's vice captain right now, he's chaser."

"th- that's cool," he furrowed his eyebrows. "so do you wanna work together?"

lily looked up from her book. she noticed lavender staring at them, so she nodded, feeling a burning jealously.

he moved to sit next to her and they started to work together.

"lavender seems to have taken a liking in you," she mumbled.

"you've noticed?" he chuckled.

"mhm. she's pretty."

"guess so," both frowned and didn't dare to look at each other.

"do you think so?" she asked.

"think what?"

"that- that lavenders pretty."

"i- i mean yeah, b-but she's no you," he said accidentally, "sorry."

"it's okay," lily said awkwardly, smiling a bit.

just as he was about to respond, ernie opened the door.

"sorry professor, madam sprout needs lily!" he smiled innocently, as if he had never told a lie.

"that's unbelievable."

"alright then! lilian off you go, at least you finished," slughorn waved her off.

she smiled and grabbed her things.

"talk later?"

"maybe," she whispered, "bye." she said before running off with ernie.

ron moved seats to hermione and harry.

"what just happened?"

"i genuinely don't know what to tell you ron."

"she seems, content with macmillan," he sighed.

"she was going through a lot yesterday."

"she seemed fine when i saw her," ron scoffed. "i don't know how much more i can take of this."

"do something about it. and something smart, not stupid," hermione encouraged, earning nods of agreement from harry.

ron sighed and started to think.

things started going to shit after he told lily to forget their kiss.

it was a huge mistake, but it was too late to take back now.

she was with ernie. what should he do?

did anyone want to be with him?

he looked around and met eyes with lavender brown.

isn't it romantic | r. weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now