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like the rest in dumbledores army, she got detention for a month, barely avoiding expulsion.

the whole lot that would go to harry's lessons sat in the great hall, writing down lines.

lily hissed at each sting, glaring at umbridge any chance she had.

"you may leave. come back tomorrow," umbridge smiled.

lily got up and started to leave out of the castle to the greenhouse.

"lily! wait up!" called kim.


"where are you going? the dorms this way," kim told her, standing between matthew, jackson, and ernie.

"to the greenhouse. i'll be there soon," she waved them off.

"i'll go with-" ernie was cut off.

"i'll go with you, lily," said ron, walking past ernie, purposely bumping into his shoulder and grabbing lily's hand, taking her away.

"hey! what?" she looked back as they left outside. "ron stop!"

"what?" he snapped.

"what's your problem?" she scoffed. "if you're gonna be in a bad mood, i'd rather go alone."

"you should be grateful i came instead of ernie," he huffed.

"pardon? grateful?"

"yeah. he's a total jerk."

"what do you mean?"

"you don't know? maybe that's best."

"ron! stop hiding things from me!" she groaned and rubbed her eyes. "i don't appreciate it."

"he's been going around cursing people who even thinks of liking you, or look at you or try to come up to you," ron admitted. "it's annoying."


"isn't it obvious? he fancies you," ron laughed at her obliviousness.

"i- i never noticed." she fiddled with her fingers nervously, but then became flushed with anger. "that still doesn't explain why you became so angry with me and haven't talk to me since winter holidays!"

"i-i just d-didn't like it. is all," he blushed, looking away. "and i'm sorry," ron mumbled.

"look at me if you mean it."

he turned to her grey eyes, practically put in a trance by them.

"i am sorry, lily. for treating you poorly. happy?"

"very," she grinned, then reached for his hand, "come on!"

hand in hand, the two ran into the fifth year green house.

"are we allowed in here?"

"of course. i'm prefect and so are you. alohamora," she moved her wand to unlock the door.

"didn't know you can break rules," he smirked as they went in.

lily ignored his comment and started to walk towards the back.

"so what're you looking for?"

"dittany," she mumbled, moving between the plants.

"for what?"

"our wounds, of course. don't you pay attention at all?"

"not in herbology."

he laughed as she exclaimed excitedly.

he heard her pick some parts of the plant and then returned to him with a smile.

"eat this. raw."

"are you sure?"

"don't you trust me?"

he nodded honestly, taking the small stem from her hand and popping it into his mouth.

almost immediately, the wounds made from umbridge's punishment began to heal, it hurt a bit but not for long.

"take some for the people in your common room as well. just a little should do the trick."

"you're amazing, lily," he said sincerely, smiling at her fondly.

she giggled. "i just hope this is enough for my lot. i should take some to the dorm and plant it there."

the two started to leave the greenhouse after lily mumbled colloportus.

"you can plant stuff there?"

"the hufflepuff common room is so cozy, we have plants all over, and on sunny days, the whole room is brighten. i love it so much."

"so the rumors are true."

"what rumors?"

"you're the heir of hufflepuff."

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