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"ron!" lily called from behind him. he motioned for hermione and harry to keep going without him before turning to meet with lilys concerned face. "i heard what happened to katie. is she okay?"

"she's alive," he shrugged.

"and you? are you okay?"

"i'm fine," he huffed, but lily could see through his behavior.

"what is it? ron?"


"you can talk to me," she whispered, but reminded herself to not push him into talking.

"can i? not really when your snogging macmillan all the time," he spat. "surely hes missing you, at slughorns party."

her eyes turned glassy and ron felt bad immediately.

"sorry, i didn't mean that."

"i know," she swallowed, lips quivering. "just wish you'd talk to me instead of yelling at me. i'll leave you alone now-"

he grabbed her hand before she could leave.

"don't... don't go."

she looked at their hands, then slowly looked up.

"i won't," she promised. he gave her a small smile, and she returned it.

"didn't mean to yell at you, just been stressed 'n all. and then this with katie, and i feel like harry's been going off the bend. and then the quidditch game-"

"hang on, what's going on with harry?"

ron looked around, but saw no one in the courtyard.

"he thinks draco's a death eater, which is crazy in its self right? he's barking."

"that's such a reach. why would he think that?"

"dunno, saw 'em preform some ceremony at borgin and burkes that night we were all at diagon alley, he thinks it was that."

"but he's just in our year, he's young."

"i know it's a huge reach, and he thinks he tried cursing katie so she could give that necklace to dumbledore."

"draco? that's a huge accusation."

"that's what mcgonagall said, but i don't know, the shoe fits. who else would do that?"

lily shook her head.

"it couldn't be."

"well no one knows for sure, but hes dead set and i don't know how to deal. he's not even focusing on quidditch."

"oh but you are?" she giggled.

"i been practicing, but i'm still a nervous wreck," he admitted to her, not afraid to be vulnerable with her.

"you'll do fine. you won your spot fair and square," she smiled, lying perfectly knowing hermione had used a spell on cormac mclaggen.

"hope you're right," he sighed. "thanks. i had so much on my mind and i really needed someone to tell. macmillan's a lucky guy."

"that so?"

"yeah, you're a total catch, honestly."

"funny you say that," she looked down and crossed her legs. "ron-"

"i'll see you tomorrow?" he asked, ready to leave.

"s-sure," she faked a smile.

"cool, later!"

with that, he was gone, and lily didn't get to tell him how she felt.

that night, ron laid on his bed, looking up with harry awake.

"what do you suppose dean sees in her? ginny?"

"well what does she see in him?" harry replied.

"dean? he's brilliant. and so is macmillan."

"you called both of them slick gits not five hours ago," harry furrowed his brows.

"yeah well he was running his hands all over lily, wasn't he?" he breathed angrily at the thought. "something snaps, and you're gotta hate him, you know?"

"i suppose."

"what do you think she sees in him?"

"who are we talking about?"

"lily, of course! i mean she's the perfect, sweetest girl, but him, he's just- he's brilliant, oh for merlins sake," he sighed, running his hand over his face. "i can't stand him. that- that- i'll kick his arse!"

"for what? you rejected her."

"i didn't want to ruin us."

"you won't move forward with her either, you should've made the next step. she would have followed in pursuit. she would have-"

"well it didn't happen, did it?"

"because you told her to forget it! you can easily fix this, things with her if you just tell her how you feel. i know lily, she's listen with her heart."

"no matter how badly i must've hurt it?"

harry sighed but nodded.

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