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after three days of awkwardness, the two decided to forget about everything that happened that, even if neither of them wanted to.

after that, they were practically inseparable. they could spend hours in rons room, or walking around st. ottery, or simply sitting in the woods.

everyone noticed, but no one dared to say anything.

"ron, this book sucks," she groaned, "i haven't learned anything from it."

"it's a comic book, you aren't supposed to," he snatched the comic out of her hands and laughed.

"where'd you even find such a strange book?" she rolled on his bed to face him, upside down.

"my dad gave it to me during the summer after year three," he smiled, sitting next to her.

he started to read it again, and lily went to the floo network to listen to the weird sisters.

she jumped back on the bed, and looked over rons shoulder as he read the comic.

lily looked up as she heard ginny and mrs weasley speaking to each other.

"did she say harry?"

"i heard it too." the two got out of the room and went to the stair case.


"did someone say harry?" ron asked.

"me nosy! is he up there with you and lily?"

"of course not. think i'd know if my best friend was in my room, wouldn't i?"

"is that an owl i heard?" asked hermione.

"you haven't seen him, have you? apparently he's been wandering about the house," ginny said.



they all rushed down as ginny exclaimed harry's name.

ron, lily and hermione greeted him, a bit embarrassing for lily as she was only wearing a big tshirt and shorts as they were nearly going to bed.

lily hugged harry and after greetings, they sat in rons room surrounding his table.

"when did you guys get here?" harry asked as the newspaper he had burns slowly.

"three weeks ago," lily laughed softly.

"a few days ago," hermione said. "though, for a while, wasn't sure i was coming."

lily looked at ron, wondering if he was gonna tell him what his mother said.

"mum sorta lost it last week. she said lily, ginny and i had no business going back to hogwarts. that it's too dangerous."

"oh, come on."

"she's not alone. even my parents, they're muggles and can sense something bad is happening."

"talia barely convinced them to let her come, but justin isn't and neither is simon."

"anyway, my dad stepped in, told her she was being barmy and it took a few days, but she came around."

"but this is hogwarts we're talking about. it's dumbledore. what can be safer?"

"well no where, never seen the wizarding world so gloomy," lily frowned. "plus, dumbledore..."

"there's been a lot of talk recently that, dumbledore's got a bit old."

"rubbish! he's only... what is he?"

"a hundred and fifty? give or take a few years," ron joked, making lily, hermione and harry laugh. ron shook his head and looked at lily who covered her eyes but kept laughing.

they spoke for about an hour or more until mrs weasley sent the girls to their rooms.

"g'night ron," she ruffled his hair, earning a slap on her leg. she left giggling and ron turned to harry.

"mate. i've got to tell you something," ron closed the door and harry sat up, intrigued by his seriousness.

"what is it?"

"i kissed her," he confessed.

harry smiled, "alright finally, how'd it go? how'd she react? did you tell her that you've liked her since year four?"

"n-no. i kissed her at a bad time that i told her to forget about it and might've said it was a mistake," ron frowned.

"why would you-"

"she was crying, and she looked so pretty. i'm sure she thought i was taking advantage because she was crying. plus i'm certain she fancies ernie."

"dunno mate. are you sure, that this is the way to go?"

"it's the only way. i can't let her know how i feel."

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