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lily groaned, touching her throbbing head, sitting up in her bed.

"lily?" harry looked up, exhaling out of relief.

"hi, harry. what happened?" she asked, touching her face, feeling cuts and stings.

"the death eater who had you was rough, you've been unconscious all day, since last night," he sighed. harry was the only one there inside the hospital wing, as it was dinner. madam pomfray sent all those who waited for her to wake up to go eat. harrys guilt stopped him from feeling the slightest bit hungry.

"a-and ron? how's ron?" she asked, growing worried.

"he's fine. madam pomfrey sent them all to eat. ron, ernie, hermione, talia, kim, luna and i have been here all day," he said. "neville and even matt and jackson have came and stayed for hours. everyone was terrified you wouldn't wake up, but madame pomfrey said you should be fine."

"why didn't you go?"

"couldn't leave you. especially since it's all my fault," she touched his hand and their eyes met.

"i followed you. i fought him. i did this to me. you aren't at fault."

"right. like i can let myself believe that," he scoffed. "you should lay down."

she did as so, and brought up an old memory.

"i used to dislike you, ya know? did not trust you at all," harry looked at her with furrowed eyebrows. she continued, "after second year, what happened between you and justin flynn-fletchy. he was my close friend. he and talia are technically the only muggle borns in our year, so i was really scared for them during that scare with the chamber of secrets. when you came out as a parselmouth, i vowed to protect talia and justin from you. ced said i was being careless, protecting others instead of myself, but i didn't care. i hated you for scaring talia, she'd cry so much."

"i never knew how scary it must've been for them. m'sorry l-l-li-"

"you can call me violet. it's okay. i know. and theres no need for you to be sorry. you weren't the heir of slytherin. would have been cooler if you were though," she laughed.

harry smiled.

"you're a good person harry, don't let you-know-who convince you otherwise. you're not him."

"thank you, violet."

then, the doors to the hospital wing burst open, ron came rushing in, bickering with ernie.

"she's coming with me!"

"no, my parents were told by hers that she's coming with us," ernie said.

"you've officially gone mental."

"says you- lily! you're awake!" ernie exclaimed, rushing to her side. ron looked and did the same, the opposite side of ernie.

"how are you? does it hurt?"

"do you feel dizzy? should we call madame pomfrey?"

they attacked her with questions, overwhelming her as she didn't have the opportunity to reply to anyone.

"let her breathe will you?" hermione scoffed.

"don't overwhelm her too much," talia said as the two walked in, kim trailing behind them.

"how are you, love?" kim asked.

"i'm alright. just want to go home," she laughed a bit, but then turned into a frown. she technically didn't have a home. she just floats around peoples homes as a guest, but none she could call her own.

"about that. um, well love, theres no other way to put it. you parents have gone into hiding. no one knows where they are."

lily's face drained of color.

"b-but but claire? what about claire? where is she? wha-"

"relax, love. claires safe at school. my parents said the prophecy only mentions them," kim frowned, "you have a choice, on who you can go with, for summer. come with me, ernie or ron."

"do i have to choose now?"

"well school ends in two days."

"i'll think about it."

suddenly, the door slammed open, and madam pomfrey's voice echoed.

"lilian? dear? are you awake?"

"shit," ernie mumbled.

"you! out, all of you! you lot have been here all day! go! shoo! let her rest, poor thing. out! out!" she shooed them away, each saying their goodnight as they got kicked out.

"now, how are you feeling?" she asked as she sat next to her.

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