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the four walked into umbridge's room, one filled with horrible memories.

"you should contact the order," harry said to them.

"are you mental? we're going with you," ron told him.

"it's too dangerous," he protested.

"when are you going to get it into your head? we're in it together."

"that you are," interrupted the cynical voice of no one other than professor umbridge.

within seconds, her appointed inquisitorial squad appeared and grabbed them, along with luna.

harry was forced into a chair and was tied up.

cassius warrington had a hard grip on lily's arms, holding his wand to her neck.

"caught this one trying to help lovegood," draco malfoy yelled, pushing neville in.

"you were going to dumbledore, weren't you?" she bent forward to look at harry straight in the face.


umbridge slapped him and yelled, "liar!"

"you sent for me, headmistress?" snape asked in his normal tone.

"snape yes. the time has come for answers, whether he wants to give them to me or not. have you brought veritaserum?" she asked, making lily understand how they forced it out of cho chang.

"i'm afraid you-you've used up all my stores interrogating students. the last of it on miss chang," he paused, "unless you wish to poison him and i assure you, i would have the greatest sympathy if you did. i cannot help you."

he began to leave and harry spoke up.

"he's got padfoot. he-he's got padfoot at the place where it's hidden," harry said, confusing lily.

who's padfoot?

"padfoot? what is padfoot? where what is hidden?" umbridge asked, equally confused. "what is he talking about, snape?"

"no idea," snape said, leaving immediately.

"you leave me no choice potter," she said after a few seconds of silence. "as this is an issue of ministry security, you leave me with no alternative. the cruciatus curse ought to loosen your tongue."

"you can't! it's illegal!" lily yelled, making cassius tighten his grip on her, and pull her back.

"what corneilius doesnt know wont hurt him," she said, putting down his picture frame,

"don't touch her," ron said to cassius, starting to struggle with goyle.

everyone watched nervously, even the inquisitorial squad, as umbridge got closer to harry and was preparing herself to use the curse.

"tell her, harry!" hermione yelled.

"tell me what?"

"well if you won't tell her where it is... i will," hermione said, earning looks from everyone.

"where what is?"

"dumbledore's secret weapon," hermione admitted, making lily and ron extremely confused.

within seconds, hermione and harry left with umbridge to merlin knows where and the rest stayed in her office.

"you alright?" ron asked, receiving a nod from lily.

"shut up," said cassius.

"you shut up, warrington," she snapped.

"ouuh, clever," crabbe teased.

"you can let us go now," ron rolled his eyes.

"no way!"

"oh come on. we're the harmless ones," ron persuaded.

"not til they come back."

"can i at least eat something? i'm hungry," ron said.

"no way."

"but i have pumpkin pastilles in my pocket," ron complained, trying to reach for them.

"we'll take those," they laughed, snatching them out of rons hand and passing them around to his friends.

after 10 minutes after they ate them, crabbe began to turn green.

he groaned and puked on the floor.

"what the hell is wrong with you?" malfoy asked, looking at goyle who threw up too.

feeling weak, cassius let go of lily and started to vomit.

"gross," she mumbled, looking at cassius and the rest throwing up.

"what did you do?" she asked ron as he pulled her out of the room, along with luna and neville.

"puking pastilles," he smiled with a laugh, running out of the classroom and down the tower.

"ron, that was brilliant!" she praised, giggling.

"it was nothing," he mumbled, blushing deeply.

"where do you think they'll be at?" neville asked as they reached the bottom of the tower.

"the forbidden forrest, surely," ron said, and within second the four started running towards it.

ron didn't let go of lily's hand at all, even after they met up with hermione and harry. the lot went to the thestrals, thanks to suggestion of luna, riding them all the way to london, lily and ron on the same animal due to lily's imense fear of flying.

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