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lily let the hot water touch her skin.

she felt as if she hadn't showered in forever.

"a shower has never felt so good!" she exclaimed, earning a laugh from talia.

"just hurry up, don't want to miss the feast."

lily showered and changed into her robe and uniform.

once she finished, she met with talia and kim who were waiting for her.

"so, have you decided yet?" kim asked.

"yeah. can i stay with you?" she asked, earning a nod and hug from kim.

"of course. my parents would love to have you," kim held hands with her, talia taking her other hand as they walked into the great hall.

"just at first. i might move around. i miss people too much."

the whole hufflepuff table greeted her with kindness, those of the gryffindor table as well.

"i'm guessing everyone knows?" she whispered as they sat down. lily noticed neither ron, hermione or harry were there yet.

"yeah. after dumbledore was reinstated, he explained vaguely what happened, but ernie being himself, he asked where you were. he was really worried when you left after owls. he started beating people up."

"talking about me?" ernie smirked, sitting in front of them along with jackson, matt, and simon.

"just how worried you were when lily disappeared," kim smirked, ernie's ears started burning.

"can't believe you beat michael corner up that bad," jackson laughed.

"you didn't have to do such rough things ern."

"i didn't know where you were. i- i- i couldn't-"

"i know, but hurting other people?"

"what if they did something to you? or the inquisitorial squad hurt you? i couldn't just wait around," he said, shocking everyone except lily with his sincerity.

"i'm fine."

"you were unconscious for a whole 24 hours," he raised his voice slightly.

"guys, come on- lily just got back, it's the last day! don't argue."

the two looked down and mumbled sorry to each other.

"let's hang out, okay? we can go to diagon alley together," talia smiled, "and get together with hermione and them too."

lily smiled at the idea, and the boys complied eventually.

"ron," she smiled as she noticed him and hermione walking into the great hall. lily ran to his arms and hugged him tightly.

"i'm so glad you're okay, you have no idea!"

the two separately and smiled at each other.

"r'mione told me what you did. so truly, i'm here because of you," she smiled, putting her hand on his shoulder and rewarding him with a small kiss on the cheek.

"i-it was n-nothing," he blushed deeply, hearing the howls from those at his table.

"not to me. so thank you," she grinned again before walking back to her table.

"ron, you're smiling like an idiot," teased ginny.

"shut up," he snapped, walking to the table.

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