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"so you're telling me, you went to the dance with cameron, but you ended up dancing the whole night with ron?"

"is it as bad as it sounds?"

"was cameron alone?"

"no he was dancing with padma."

cedric laughed, "then i guess you aren't a total git."

"thank merlins. studying with him had gotten so awkward."

"since when are you so dramatic? i used to have to bug this kind of stuff out of you when it hardly existed and now you seek me for advice? i'd never felt like such an older brother," he clutched his chest and faked passion.

"shut up! i just can't talk to anyone else about this stuff."

"i get it lils. it's what i'm meant for anyways."

"so, have you figured out the clue yet?"

"i have actually."

"have you told harry?"


"i think you should," she mumbled, fixing his scarf.

"you think so?"

"yeah. he did warn you about the dragons right?"

"yeah, he did. you're right."

"do it soon. i fear he's loosing hope." the two walked and then he stopped.

"perfect timing there he is. hey potter!" he called. lily looked up and saw hermione and harry.

"potter!" he called again, so harry turned to face ced. lily didn't want to listen, so she went off with hermione.

"hey you. hows things with you?"

"they're fine. a bit awkward with the gerbers, but fine."

"i bet. the yule ball was filled with unexpected turns."

"actually, do you know where i can find ron?"

"maybe the playing field? or the kitchen."

"thank you," she said before leaving off to the kitchen.

she wasn't surprised to find ron stuffing his mouth with biscuits.

"fifth meal i see," she teased.

"shut up," he mumbled.

she giggled and ron tried to hide his smile.

< >

the following night, harry finally found out what the clue was, but he didn't seem to understand it.

ron invited lily to help them search for ways to help in the library, but rather than helping after a few hours, the two had fallen asleep.

ron fell asleep first, and seeing how comfy he was, lily started to get sleepy as well.

she rested her head next to him and soon fell asleep soundly as hermione and harry looked through countless amounts of books.

hermione, who had spiraled off looking at other shelves, returned and spoke up.

"harry tell me again," she said as ron snored.

"come seek us where our voices sound."

"the black lake, that's obvious." she looked at ron and only woke him up, shaking him and handing him the egg.

"an hour long you'll have to look."

"again, obvious. though that can be potentially problematic," hermione said. ron was too distracted as he noticed lily sleeping on the table. her hair was all over her face, her plump lips parted, and her cheeks rosy red. her breathing was slow and calm, making ron rest his head to face her and watch.

"potentially problematic? when was the last time you held your breath underwater for an hour, hermione?" the two argued.

"look, harry, we can do this. the four of us can figure this out."

"make it three, lily's out cold," ron chuckled softly.

"hate to break up the skull session. professor mcgonagall would like to see you in her office. not you potter, just weasley, granger and diggory," said professor moody.

"but sir, the second task is only hours away and-"

"exactly, for potter to be well prepared and could do a good nights sleep. go, now!" he practically yelled. ron put the egg down and tried to wake up lily.

"lily," he shook her. "lily come on, mcgonagalls calling for us."

she groaned. he pulled her up and carried her on his back.

"is she alright?" hermione asked.

"heavy sleeper," he said, making sure she was secure on his back.

"i think she fancies you."

"no way."

"oh really?"

"theres no way, she likes cameron," he said, sounding discouraged and upset.

"what makes you so sure?"

"he took her to the ball of course!"

"but she danced with you!" hermione retaliated, making ron shut up until they arrived to mcgonagalls.

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