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"personally i think today's game is going to be rubbish."

"as if, ron's playing today," lily said.

"and with that, i won't be going," ernie sighed.

"you have to go, you're vice captain," talia laughed.

"you need to prepare your team, maybe this year we can actually win the tournament," kim giggled, only to yelp when matt scared her. "matt, you absolute tool!"

"what's got you jumpy," he teased.

"nothing," she blushed. and lily noticed, but decided to ask about it later.

"so we're going to the quidditch match then?"

"pass," all of lily's friends said all together. she sighed.

"seriously? none of you?"

"are you a bloke? todays the big toad fight, we all bet and we can't miss it," jackson informed her.

"i'll go to the game with hermione then," lily sighed, watching her friends leave the table, feeling bad about leaving her alone.

"be safe, love you," ernie said loudly, kissing her forehead knowing ron was standing near them. but lily knew it was platonic. ron saw differently. he felt stupid for thinking he could tell her how he felt. and along with the comments from the side about how he sucked didn't help his ego.

he sat down at their table and stared at his food. he was startled by lily coming up to them and sitting.

"so how was it then?" he asked , trying to get his mind off the game.

"how was what?" hermione questioned.

"your dinner party?"

"boring, actually. though i think harry enjoyed dessert," hermione smirked.

lily tried not to laugh.

"slughorn's having a christmas do, you know. and we're meant to bring someone," hermione told him.

"i expect you'll be bringing macmillan, he's in the slug club isnt he," he told lily. "and you, prynne."

"actually i was going to ask you," lily frowned. "ernie goes home early for christmas, he can't miss it."

"really?" ron said in an unamused tone.

lily looked behind ron and saw lavender come up.

"good luck today, ron. i know you'll be brilliant," she said in a slightly creepy way before running off.

"i'm resigning," he breathed heavily. "after today's match, mclaggen can have my spot."

"have it your way," harry said with no hesitation. "juice?" he offered moving the cup.

"sure," ron replied.

"hello, everyone," luna said from behind lily, startling her, so ron put a hand on her shoulder, assuring her that she was okay and safe. "you look dreadful ron. is that why you put something in his cup?" she asked, causing everyone to be confused. "is it a tonic?"

they saw harry put away a seemingly empty glass.

"liquid luck," hermione said.

ron grabbed the cup.

"don't drink it ron," hermione said in disapproval, but he ignored her and drank it anyways.

he suddenly smiled and turned to harry.

"come on harry! we got a game to win!" he said excitedly, changing his demeanor completely.

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