Chapter 43: Life Upside-down Pt. 1

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Sam's POV

To practically turn into the twin's babysitter could have been worse. My mom was growing exhausted really fast, not sure if due to the pregnancy or because we were closer to the end of a tiring year. Her job kept her busy, and I always thought it was a bit reckless of her to continue working at the same pace as if she wasn't carrying a human being inside of her.

That day after school, Justin arrived in his small white car to tell me we had to pick up the twins and stay home until my mom gets there, since she'd get a bit late out of work. On our way we dedicated ourselves to enjoy the moment, listen to some new bands and discuss our musical taste. He hadn't the best I'm sure. He was more fit for sports such like swimming (which he was supposed to be really good at) but I'd educate him in time. I had the best taste.

When the girls saw me standing in the hall waiting for them, they jumped in excitement and ran towards me to give me a hug. I made sure to keep a steady grip on their hands so they wouldn't run away anywhere. They were so unpredictable sometimes.

After bucking up their seatbelts, we headed on the road back home with them chattering constantly on the back of the car-

"Justin we had so much fun in Halloween!" Trini screeched with the brightest smile I had ever seen from her.

"That's great babe, but you don't need to shout" he chastised her lightly for raising her voice like that. They really needed to keep a hold on that or humanity would be left deaf.

"Yeah, but when we woke up our candy was all gone" Kim commented a bit bitterly while pouting at her sister with the memory of their precious loot being gone.

"Maybe daddy hid it" Trini suggested while me and Justin shared a knowing smile. Fine, we're horrible people. We took candy from the hands of two five years old and lied about it.

"That's terrible. How about we stop for some ice cream before we head home?" Justin suggested in order to make them forget about the whole deal, and it did the trick. Suddenly all they could talk about all the way to the ice cream shop was what flavor was better.

Since there was no one home, we thought our absence would go unnoticed, so we actually enjoyed ourselves. It wasn't often that I got to hang out, especially after all the trouble and grounding I had gone through lately. But it was different with Justin. Despite what had happened, they trusted him deeply so whenever I was with him, they felt safe. I wondered if they'd still think that way if they found out what we were actually doing while they were gone.

Of course we could do nothing in front of the girls, but Justin still found ways to have small gestures with me.

"Here" Justin called my attention, handing me a strawberry cup. He knew I hated cones.

"Mine is delicious" Trini spoke with her face covered with the sweet.

"Mine is better!" Kim defied her, and just to prove herself right, she took a big scoop right into her mouth.

This caused my sister to have a very painful head freeze, which brought her to tears. In that moment we realized it was best to just head home before they cause any more trouble. They had the tendency to do that whenever they were under our care.

Once we arrived home, I sent them to wash themselves and play quietly in their room until my mom got home. I was beyond exhausted and I still had some homework of my own to do, or else... yes. I know you know what I mean. Justin said he'd help me, so I picked up my books and started to walk myself to the living room when someone called my attention.

"You took your time" she commented oh so casually while giving me a strange look. And I thought nobody would notice.

"The twins wanted ice cream. Sue me" I replied uninterested in starting a conversation with my younger sister but she didn't buy it for a second.

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