Chapter 8: You'll always be in my heart

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Felipe's POV

That day I got home a little bit earlier than usual and found the house empty and quiet a little bit too much. I wandered around my empty home that had a hint of sadness in it. None of my daughters were home yet but my wife should be there somewhere. Usually you can feel the happiness essence that Anna leaves behind her, how she perfumes every single room, the way she makes the little ones beds, she puts fresh flowers all around the house every day. That day I couldn't find a hint of those little details that make Anna so happy. When I finally found her she was sitting indian style on our backyard, with her elbows on her lap and holding her head in her hands. It seemed like she was crying before and for a long time so I slowly approached to her spot and lovingly rubbed her back. She stood up to receive me with a tight hug when she started sniffling.

-Sweety, what happened?, I asked her and she just wrapped her arms tighter around my neck letting out a few whimpers. Oh my God, what happened here? I rubbed her back until she calmed down enough to talk.

-Felipe, it's my mom, she said meeting my worried look with her puffy green eyes as I gulped, Something happened to her.

-What? What happened to her Anna?, I said getting really worried.

Anna's mom, Sam's grandmother, has been living in a nursing home ever since I met her, because she's really old and has alzheimer also. Anna and Sam visit her time to time, but weirdly she recognizes them. I've never been able to meet her properly, because Sam doesn't let anyone to get close to her grandma. She says it's family business of her and her mom only. I respected that decision of hers and stayed away from that matter, only giving Anna all the support I could give her from the distance. My wife said it didn't worth it for me to meet her anyway, since she wouldn't be able to hold that information for long. It'd only confuse her more.

-She was admitted in the hospital a few hours ago. She's in therapy because of an arrhythmia. Oh my God Felipe, I don't know what to do, she said crying hysterically.

I tried to reason with her, but it was almost impossible when she was like that. It was like trying to hold a tornado, kinda like when Sam's upset.

-Sweety calm down please. What did they tell you now on the phone?, I asked her to make an effort, otherwise it'd be impossible to talk to her

-They called me saying that my mom made an arrhythmia at the nursing home. They said she's stable now, but she's very weak. There are high chances she could have another one, and that she won't make it this time, she said trying her best not to choke with her tears.

-Ok, ok calm down, I said softly stroking her cheek, She's fine right now, and if you wish I'll take you to visit her right now.

-No, Sam will be upset if we leave without her, she said shaking her head, I don't know how to tell her Felipe. She adores her grandma, and looks after her as if she was made of crystal. She won't take it good, no way.

-Just try to be as straight as you can honey. To give bad news it's never easy, I said hugging her tight and resting my chin over the top of her head, And prepare yourself to contain her. You need to lean on each other's shoulders now.

I could bet this wouldn't end up good. In order to help the situation, I tried to keep my other four daughters under control while Anna was talking to Sam, once she arrived. Apparently Anna had asked Justin to pick up Sam from school while she was trying to deal with her mom's situation. I could perfectly understand her. When my dad passed, as the oldest one, I had to make all the arrangements and look after my little brother. It was hard, because all what I wanted to do was to cry for my father, but I didn't have time to do that until later.

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