Chapter 38: From good to worse

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Felipe's POV

I can tell it was one of the best fathers' days I had in quite a few years. Anna really surprised me this year, and I'm not even talking about the beautiful breakfast she made for me with the girls or my new engraved watch. The true surprise came that same night, in the girls school talent show. My wife had kept me in the dark to the fact that we weren't there just to see Melanie and Alexa's concert, but also Sam. She had sneaked her guitar in the car's trunk, and I could tell it was a bit last minute.

Still once she started playing and singing like I had never heard before, my skin was full of goosebumps. I never knew why she had refused to let anyone hear her sing, and it was a bit of a shame that she had privated the world from her talent for so long. More than anything, each time she glanced at me during the lyrics, I couldn't help but to feel that song was for me.

I knew how much Joseph had hurt Sam with his departure, even when she seemed fine after some time. I'd never be able to replace him, but at least I finally felt that Sam was giving me the room I needed to protect and care for her.

That's why the next day when she got home from school, I asked her to meet me in the piano room. I wanted to have some alone time with her, since I had something really important I wanted to share.

"Hey dad. Everything ok?" she couldn't help to ask as she walked into the room rather guarded. I couldn't blame her after all. I was a rather serious man, and when I asked my daughters a word was usually to lecture them about something.

"It's not exactly the room where you go when you're in trouble" I joked a bit while resting my fingers on the piano. "You don't come here often" I commented casually and I watched how her body relaxed a little bit after confirming she wasn't in trouble for anything.

"I like the piano, but you already know I pretty much suck at it" she reminded me with a slight huff I smiled at. She really had tried that instrument just because I insisted, but I could tell she enjoyed it more being played by someone else. "I'll stick to the guitar I guess"

"It was a beautiful song, last night" I smiled with the memory of her and Pete on stage performing such a moving song. Sam couldn't help but to bring her walls back again, her expression hardening to the mention of it. It must have been really difficult for her to bare her soul like that, but that's what a good artist does.

"Yeah. I had always wanted to play it for my dad and... well I guess that night I did" she said while cracking up a smile as well. Ever since that time, the environment around us seemed warmer than usual, and I held the hope in my heart that she was finally accepting me.

"Thank you Sam. I... actually there was something I wanted to play for you myself" I said while warming up my fingers a bit in front of the piano, dishing out the very first notes of a song that always reminds me of my children, but especially Sam who always seems in such a hurry to grow up.

Slow down, you crazy child

You're so ambitious for a juvenile

But then if you're so smart, then tell me

Why are you still so afraid?

Where's the fire, what's the hurry about?

You'd better cool it off before you burn it out

You've got so much to do

And only so many hours in a day

But you know that when the truth is told

That you can get what you want or you can just get old

You're gonna kick off before you even get halfway through

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