Chapter 27: Coming clean Pt.1

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"Alexa, what did you do with it?" I asked point blank to my daughters as the rest of the people in the room felt the need to leave, minus Anna who had frozen in her spot staring at me for the accusation, and then Alexa.

"I-I" my younger daughter mumbled through her tangled tongue but didn't manage to get another word out.

"Think carefully about your next words young lady because there will be consequences for them" I anticipated to any chance of her even thinking about lying right now. Even the smallest lie I'd make sure she pays for it. It was enough childish behavior for one day.

"I don't know" she mumbled blinking a few tears before looking down in embarrassment of getting caught. Anna's hurtful stare didn't do anything to ease the guilt she was feeling for sure.

"Fine. I gave you a chance. Go to my studio" I sentenced her wanting to get this done as quickly as possible. The whole glasses thing was getting to my wits but more my daughter's attitude towards the subject.

"Dad!" she screeched in response feeling safe from me on the top of her stairs.

"Five... four..." I started to count backwards and before three she had already climbed down from her hidding spot and locked herself inside my studio. It was the only way to win with Alexa, you just can't give her room to argue with you.

"I can't believe her. Seriously?" Anna exclaimed in frustration while combing back her blond hair.

"I'll find out what she did with it, don't worry" I said with tenderness placing a hand on her shoulder and rubbing it with my thumb. I knew our kids could get to our very last nerve but we had to be better than that.

"She's obviously stressed over this. There's gotta be a reason" my wife expressed her truthful concern of something else being the source of discomfort of our daughter.

"I'll get to the bottom of it, but I need to do this first" I explained briefly before taking a deep breath to give me the strength to do what I had to do and marching to my studio.

Alexa's hands were curled into fists resting on her lap, her arms stretched out making her shoulders rise to her ears in tension as she sat in the middle of the couch. With a deep sigh I shut the door behind me willing to make this conversation as short as possible.

"I'll only ask one more time. What did you do with it Alexa?" I said trying to sound as calm and cold as possible. Apparently it did some effect on my daughter because after one loud gulp she decided to spit out the truth. The fact she was sitting in my studio probably gave her the push she needed to come clean.

"I threw it away" she mumbled as low as she could but deep into the silence like we were I heard her crystal clear. The second that got to my ears my eyes popped open in disbelief a child I raised would blatantly take matters into her own hands like that.

"And why did you think it was ok to do that with something that does not belong to you?" I lectured harshly my trembling daughter that had tears pooled in her eyes already. I knew how ashamed she felt for what she had done but unfortunately that wouldn't bring back that prescription.

"I don't know" she kept her tone very low, maybe thinking I wouldn't hear her. But I did.

"I don't know either. What I do know is that now your mother will have to go back to the doctor's office and waste her time in replacing it so you can get your glasses, which you need" I reinforced that last statement to give some closure to the glasses issues. It was truly getting to my nerves. "And you're gonna pay for that time she must waste. You're going to be doing extra chores in the house the rest of the week, is that clear?" I sentenced finally. While not amused, I was pretty sure the grounding was not what worried her the most.

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