Chapter 14: Dealing with the bully

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Sam's POV

Luckily that thing of letting me go home by myself turned into a routine. I quickly made my way home from Zoey's, since I was starving. Besides I should not dare to get home late after that little escape I made a few days ago. I was working a few things out with Barbara, the counselor. She was pretty cool after all, and wasn't harassing me about my issues like other people *coughs* Felipe *coughs*, so I felt more open to tell her things.

I ended up arriving home earlier than expected, so dinner wasn't ready yet and my sisters had already set the table. Better that way, because I didn't feel like working honestly. I went straight upstairs to lock myself in my room and play some guitar before anyone could interrupt me or I should say before the twins perceive my presence and come and get me to play with them. I passed through Alexa and Melanie's room when something called my attention. I walked back on my own steps and peeked my head into their room. Melanie was downstairs, and Alexa was sitting down in front of a huge pile of books... too huge to belong to a 11 years old girl. Not even me have that amount of homework.

-Hey. What's with the homework?, I said placing my heavy guitar away and opening the door.

-Well I'm doing it. That's what's with it, she said without turning her head to look at me. I threw her a suspicious look as I approached to her desk and took one of the books in my hands, earning a loud 'hey' from her

-These are 6th grade books, I said placing it right in front of her. She turned her look to me, pretty much pissed off because of my interruption. Obviously a sign that I just hit the right spot.

-How about you mind your own business?, she spat to me raising her tone.

I knew this was a conversation that it'd be better to keep between us two, so I shut the door and turned my attention to Alexa. She was pretty nervous, tapping her fingertips on her desk. She was definitely hidding something.

-Alexa, did someone told you to do their homework?... Come on, tell me.

-It's not of your business Sam. I can handle it really, she said dropping the aggressive attitude and getting back to her homework. I reluctantly grabbed a few books and sat down on Melanie's bed, grabbing a pencil and a sheet.

-Ok, if you're not gonna tell me who's bullying you, at least I'm gonna help you not to get punched. Felipe will kill someone if you come home with a black eye. By the way, you might want to hide these. Felipe's smarter than you think.

After dinner I went straight to bed, but I knew Alexa was still awake, finishing her own homework. That event kept me awake all night, thinking who the hell could be bullying my sister. 6th grade, probably a female, big enough to scare Alexa. Alright, I had some job to do tomorrow, and I was gonna do it right.

Alexa could barely stay awake during breakfast. Of course, that didn't slip Felipe's attention, who started to get worried about her. He asked her like a thousand times if she felt sick, but she just claimed that she didn't sleep well last night, yet she was feeling good. I crossed my fingers for Felipe to buy that lame excuse, because if he sticks his nose into this matter, he'll screw up my entire investigation. I had already texted Karen that we had some surveillance work to do this morning, to what she just texted me back "Crap".

I thought the bully itself should show up at some part of the day to pick up Alexa's work and, since it was 6th grade homework, he or she could only find her between blocks, during which me and Karen stalked Alexa's locker like a hawk. The first two times nothing unusual happened. She came, picked up her books, and left for her classes. The third time I saw a mysterious figure approach to her locker, stand behind the opened door and roughly slam it shut, making Alexa jump back. Man that girl was huge! She looked even bigger than me. Karen was shocked as well. Holly crap, Alexa what the hell did you got yourself into?

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