Chapter 17: Out of himself

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Felipe's POV

What to do now? I had my look focused on the huge buildings that raised right next to my office, the large window giving me a panoramic view of the entire city. Lately my mind was anywhere but business, so I thought I could take a break and hang out with my brother Matt. When I called and offered him to go for a coffee he said he had a few minutes to spare, and that he'd gladly join me.

Once we were sitting down in the coffee shop that's near my office, I let him know the latest news of my life. How Joseph was suddenly into my daughter's life, how hard it was for me to find my place now, how uncomfortable Anna was with all this situation. Matt wasn't saying anything yet. He let me do all the talking while he was slowly sipping his latte. It's actually unusual I ask for an advice to my little brother, but I guess that week everything was unusual in my life.

-Sounds like you're a bit lost Felipe, Matt said setting down his cup of coffee.

-I am indeed. I don't know if I should either step aside of the whole thing or on the contrary, step even more into the situation, I sighed while watching the cars pass by through the window.

-I don't think stepping aside is gonna help anybody. As long as you give Sam's father some room to be with his daughter, I don't see why should you. You have a relationship with her of your own. You've always had and I'm sure she wouldn't like to lose you, Matt said while holding his warm coffee between his hands.

-That's exactly what has me worried here. The more room we give this man, the more he makes me and Anna angry. He spoils Sam, he helps her hide stuff from us, he's not a good example for her. Of course she think he rocks and that he's understanding and that as usual I'm the bad guy, I let out in one frustrated exhalation before looking into my brother's eyes that were showing no agreement at all with what I just said.

-You know Sam doesn't think that. She knows all you've done for her all these years and she appreciates it. This excitement will pass by Felipe. She's not gonna replace you, you shouldn't be concerned about it, he said as a matter of fact thing.

-Am not, I stated in annoyance but that didn't convince my brother.


-Ok, you're right, I admitted to myself.

-Take in count Sam's probably as lost as you are. She's always thought about you as her father. Just give her some time to figure out exactly what place Joseph should take now he's back, Matt said as I thought his advice was wise.

-How's Justin by the way?, I said recalling I have another side of the family to worry as well.

-His grades are a bit better, yet not great. What has me worried is that he doesn't spend too much time with his friends anymore. Not that I want him going out every weekend, but I guess it's healthy for him to hang out, right?, Matt said seeking for advice in my eyes.

Honestly teenagers were still a mistery to me, and Justin was a very particular one. Like my own daughter Samantha, he was completely unpredictable yet his reaction to his parents divorce seemed more than reasonable. My brother's break up with his wife was sudden and left my nephew very confused. It wasn't a decision I supported of my brother in particular, but it was a delicate situation and it was his son after all. Him and his ex wife had made an arrangement of their own and me and my wife had to respect that decision.

-Probably. He's young after all, and you know that not having his mother anymore has affected him much to our displeasure. I know it's not much what I can offer, but if you two need some fresh air you can come over to dinner whenever you want. It's your home too.

-No Felipe, I can't bother you in a time like this, Matt instantly denied shaking his head.

-You don't ever bother me Matt. I actually need you more than ever now, I offered with a shy smile he returned.

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