Chapter 3: Teenage romances

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Felipe's POV

More or less, dinner with Matt and Justin was pretty good. My brother had fun, and so did my nephew. Kim and Trini loved their uncle and cousin, and Sam seemed to like my brother as well, and Justin... well as I predicted, them getting along would be hard, taking in count my daughter's and Justin's personality. Don't get me wrong, my nephew is smart, funny, his manners are impeccable and he's good person. He has his temper though and I knew that Sam would have a hard time accepting the way he is, same the other way around. I guess there wasn't much I could do but to sit and wait.

When I went to bed, I was surprised when I found my wife still awake. I'd have thought that, judging by how tired she was from arranging dinner today, she'd be in the deepest slumber by this time. Her eyes met mine and I just knew what was about to happen: a confrontation.

I pretty much tend to take the lead in the discipline department, and my wife usually goes with what I say because I've never said or done something she wouldn't approve. However this didn't seem the case. I was used to Anna to be a little soft when it came to our daughters punishments. She'd always wonder if we weren't being too hard on them, that they're just kids, that maybe we should cut them some slack. In the end she usually gives in, because he recognizes she has too much of a soft heart for discipline, and she trusts me that I know what I'm doing. This case wasn't a guilt fight we were gonna have, because my wife didn't seem in conflict like other times. She was firm and calmed, and she told me she wanted to talk to me about Sam's grounding. At first I felt very frustrated, because I didn't want to be the bad guy and it was hard not to feel so when your wife's not backing you up, but she made me see that I was taking advantage of Sam's punishment to keep her apart from those two rebel friends she has, after I had said her friendships were her choices. She also told me that Sam had responsibilities with the group, and that we couldn't keep her from them unless it was something extreme, which wasn't the case.

I sighed in surrender and decided to go to Sam's room and talk to her in that barely moment, so I got up and quickly made my way upstairs to my daughter's room. I took a moment for myself to breath deeply and choose the exact words I was gonna say to her. It wasn't easy to me, to tell you the truth, but I was gonna do what I knew it was right. After all, that's what I always try to transmit to my kids. I softly knocked Sam's door until I heard a "come in" from the other side of the door.

-Hey sweetie, I said sneaking my head throw the door, Can I talk to you for a minute?, I said opening the door and looking at her.

-Sure. Come in, she said putting down her acoustic and sat down on the bed as I did the same right next to her spot

-I wanted to talk about your punishment Sam. Anne and I have decided that you're allowed to go to Zoey's place for your band practice only. After that you come straight back home before dinner, clear?, I said raising my eyebrows to her, without loosing my stern look.

-What... what made you change your mind?, she said looking at me with a suspicious gaze.

I really didn't want to give her the whole explanation of why I think her friends are trouble, and that I only want the best for her but I'm not the one to judge that, etc etc etc. It really had no use to argue about it at this point.

-I guess I just needed a moment to think about it and weight some options. This morning I was honestly in a hurry and my head wasn't clear. I know how much it means to you, and I think it's fair for you to fulfil your responsibilities with your band. But let me tell you Sam: I don't mind to be called unfair if you repeat that kind of behavior or if you break our agreement, ok? I don't wanna come home and find you're not here, I said switching quickly to my stern mode but she seemed unaffected by it for the moment. She frantically nodded her head with a smile on her face.

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