Chapter 5: Shopping trouble

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The next day, barely I left work I picked up Kim from home and headed to the mall so she could help me to pick something for my brother and nephew. I knew they were going through a really hard time with them moving and everything, so I was hoping that a small gesture and our family dinner would bright their moods a bit. Justin seemed so off the other night, and I knew Matt was struggling horribly through his divorce, so being with their family was just what they needed. I'd always be there for them.

-So... what do you think we should get for your uncle and cousin?, I asked my princess after I parked the car.

-Maybe..., she said scratching her chin in a thoughtful way, Ooh what if we get them shirts so they'll look cute?

-Ok then, I said smiling to her, Let's go check out some stores.

Once we were inside, I had to keep an eye on Kim all the time, because she was bouncing all around the place, watching the shop windows really excited. Like I said, all my girls go nuts for shopping, even Anna. She always asks me to keep her credit card because sometimes she gets a little out of control when it's about shopping. Once she brought home a beautiful black dress that cost like 500 bucks. My eyes practically jumped out of my face when I looked at the bill. Can't deny she looked extremely gorgeous in it, but even she was able to see that it was way too expensive.

After finding a couple items for our guests and before leaving, we decided to check out a few more stores for good measure. I got a bit distracted looking at a jewelry window, checking out a gorgeous necklace with a ballerina that I wanted for Kim. I was so busy that I lost sight of my daughter Kimberly for a minute and when I turned my head to tell her to wait for me, I just found her gone. A huge feeling of desperation came through my throat and made a knot in it. Oh fuck.

Frantically I turned my head several times trying to spot her, but I wasn't able to. The place was crowded, and she was just too little to easily spot her with my eyes. I started asking some people if they had seen her, but all of them told me they hadn't seen a thing. Fortunately I found this woman that told me she'd help me find her, and suggested us to go straight with security for them to pay attention if someone tries to take her. My heart started to beat really fast with the only thought of it, so we were practically running to the security's office when a thought came across my mind: the toys store.

Before going to security, I decided to check first that store we passed by at first. I had the feeling she'd be there, because I know how attracted she is to the colorful toys in there. Thank God I didn't have to look for much longer, because barely I crossed the door I saw the cashier of the toy's shop holding my little girl's hand. She was crying and the cashier was offering her a candy to calm her down when I arrived.

-Kim!, I said while looking at her.

She lifted her look and a smile drew all across her face. She let go the cashier's hand and ran towards me. I wrapped my arms around her tiny body and lifted her kissing her cheek. I was so glad she was ok after all. I felt how my blood went back to run through my veins and I took the first deep breath of relief to see my daughter in one piece.

-Daddy, daddy! I was so scared!, she said wrapping her little arms tight around my neck and burying her face on my shoulder. I caressed Kim's hair to stop her crying when I looked at the cashier.

-So you're her father I assume, the cashier smiled to us while coming close to our spot.

-Yes I am, I said smiling back at her trying not to get asphyxiated by Kim's arms, Thank you so much for taking care of her.

-No problem sir, she said very gently to me, It's very important to everyone to keep an eye on kids that are alone. Just the other day a man tried to take a little boy. Luckily our cameras captured him before he got out of the mall.

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