Chapter 22: Unemployed

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You'd think that, given the events of the previous week, my bandmates would give me a tiny break. Wrong. Not only we started practice the same monday after the competition took place, but Kizzie's rant about how we screwed up and how I was zoned out during our performance went on and on for days. I just shrugged and looked away, not even giving her the chance of her speech reaching me. I had bigger concerns than a brat criticizing me.

-Let's just focus girls. We don't have time to waste on fights, Zoey finally spoke up after Kizzie had been throwing shit to me for over 20 minutes non stop once again.

-Alright, alright. I was just saying, Kizzie said raising her hands as I rolled my eyes. She's always "just saying" crap.

-I think we should take the opportunity to write a song for school's talent show. After all if it sucks too much, no one even cares, Zoey proposed looking at me for my approval.

-Sounds cool but you know we've been trying to write a song for months, I said with a negative attitude that didn't please my bandmates. None of them.

-Then we'll try harder, Kizzie said plopping herself on the old couch where I was sitting on. Was this her way to say sorry? No. It was her way to say "Let it go and let's be friends again".

-Hey girls. Sorry I'm a bit late, Calvin said all of the sudden bursting into Zoey's garage where we were peacefully trying to think. So much for arriving on time dude.

-Sup baby, Zoey said kissing him as Kizzie waved in his direction.

We had decided to make a little change in our band structure. We really needed to add a bass to our band, so Calvin would take Zoey's place and she'd cover the bass. I actually liked her more on the drums but her boyfriend wasn't really that bad. I'd just have to deal with it, since it was three against one like always.

We had been playing for an hour or two when my phone started ringing. I tried to ignore it of course, but after 10 missing calls I decided to finally pick up. I had a text from Justin, asking me if I was at Zoey's. I seriously considered replying "none of your business" but instead I tipped a quick "yup, n busy". I instantly got his answer, which was one I was so not expecting. "Don't take the bus. I'll pick u up". Huh? Oh no, please tell me he's not staying AGAIN. When is God going to give me a break?

After another 20 minutes he showed up in Zoey's garage. Her boyfriend dedicated my cousin a glare when Zoey so happily received Justin. Of course no one was as happy as Kizzie was.

-One more song and we're done. Ok?, I asked not even looking at him. I glanced at him nodding his head and taking a seat around there while we started playing.

-I think we should do Bad Girl. We haven't practiced that one in a while, Kizzie said with a smile, her eyes practically glued to my cousin.

-Whatever, I mumbled while getting ready and waiting for Calvin to give us the start.

-1,2... 1,2,3,4..., Calvin said and we started the song.

If you've heard the song, then you know the lyrics are pretty much sexual, and Kizzie took total advantage of it. Not because of nothing she requested to do this song. As the main singer, she put on an act during all song, shaking her hair and making eyes to bring Justin's attention on her. Alright I'm so not gonna put on with this crap anymore. I mean, for the love of God! He was practically drooling all over the floor while Kizzie kept playing the nasty whore character. I almost barfed.

Barely we finished the song, I quickly dismissed myself and started putting my stuff together. Of course I still had to hear how Kizzie was now openly flirting with snobby Justin. She asked him to start coming a little earlier to our practices so he could hear our songs, and what pissed me off the most was his reply.

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