Chapter 29: Trouble in Paradise Pt. 1

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Felipe's POV

After the weekend's drama I was feeling beyond than exhausted. Last night me and my wife had insisted for Alexa to sleep in her own bedroom and I had to stay with her until she fell deeply asleep. After checking on all of my girls I walked tiredly to my room to find Anna deep into her own slumber, and I couldn't help a certain envy feeling growing inside of me. It had been me who had been stared at accusingly for making Alexa sleep alone and it had been me who had helped her to fall asleep, sacrificing my own rest hours.

It didn't matter though. The way me and Anna carried on our respective roles had been always instinctive and never had been questioned for any of us. Still I cannot say it didn't pain me that I was the one to call the hard shots, but the main reason I did that was because I knew Anna didn't have the strength to do it, and someone had to.

Especially when it came about Sam.

"Hey Matt. How are you?" my brother's incoming call interrupted my wandering thoughts. I thought I could use some time to talk to my brother but as usual I'd be the receiving end of a problematic I had to find a solution to.

"Not good Felipe. I'm sorry, I know you're at work..." he trailed off as everytime he reaches me. I took a deep breath and dismissed my secretary that had barged in without knocking to tell me something.

"It's fine brother. What happened?" I reassured him on the other side of the line. After a couple seconds he took to gather up strength he finally told me the reason of his call.

"I don't know how to say this but... Elsie called today" he went straight to the point.

The world around me simply froze with the mention of my ex sister-in law. I knew how much damage she had caused to Matt and the news of her being back, even just as a ghost on the phone caused a knot to form down my throat. I tried to keep it together and swallowed my every feeling before I spoke to my brother again.

"Why did you talk to her Matt? You know you're not supposed to until... you know" I tried not to hurt his feelings, but I had to make him understand what he had done was serious. His divorce wasn't even final yet.

"I know Felipe but I thought maybe there was something wrong with her" he explained and I sighed when I recalled what a soft hearted man my brother is.

"Whatever is wrong with that manipulative woman is her own business. She has nothing to do with you or Justin anymore" I told him like everytime he had this conversation.

"I know, you're right. I don't know why she gets me everytime" he admitted with a lace of shame in his words.

"It's not your fault Matt. You're the victim here" I made sure to make that point clear. "Just stay away from her, ok? If she wants something she can call your lawyer"

"I will, I promise. I think I'm gonna take Justin out tonight. He's still behaving quite strange but he's certainly in a better mood" I was happy to hear from my brother. Those two needed each other now more than ever.

"Sounds like a plan. Maybe later in the week you two can come over for dinner" I offered gently. It's not like I had a lot of energy for a family dinner, but I missed my brother and he needed me. I knew he did.

"We'd love to. I'll leave you to it now Felipe. Thanks for everything" he spoke in a brighter mood and I smiled at the phone, dismissing myself as well.

That morning my five girls had taken off to school happily and finally without much complaint from any of them. It was also as if my request for a peaceful day had finally been heard. To top it off, I had a terrible day at work and I just couldn't wait to come home and seek comfort in my wife and my children. Or perhaps just some alone time in my studio would be fine.

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