Chapter 9: When wounds start to heal

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The morning after this tragic scene, everything seemed to be calmed. Sam went to school as usual, even when her mother and I offered her to stay home, rest a little bit but she just wanted to go with her friends and play with her band. Her practices suspension week was over, so I had nothing to object to that. Anna on the other hand, spent the day wandering around the house like a ghost. Since I'd already asked for another day off in the office to be with my wife, we dedicated to abstract ourselves from the outside world, at least for a couple hours. We watched some tv, talked a lot about several things... anything to keep our minds busy. Of course, that was 10 times easier once I picked up the twins from school. They were super excited and jumping around us. You might think that's annoying, but they were so full of happiness that me and Anna couldn't help but smiling and laughing with them.

After that Alexa and Melanie arrived home as well (our neighbor usually picks them up among with her daughter, that it's the same age as Alexa) and when it was time to pick up Sam, Anna told me that she wanted to take the bus back home, and she thought it'd be ok just for this time. I didn't complain or anything, but I thought it was a terrible idea. It was pretty late, she was a young girl, alone, in a bus stop... I had my doubts, but of course I couldn't beat Anna's logic. "She needs some independence Felipe", she told me while she was cooking dinner, and I didn't feel like talking her out of it. I can tell you, my heart stopped beating until the moment I heard the door and saw Sam coming in, with her guitar on her shoulder.

-Hey, she greeted us running upstairs barely she crossed the front door frame.

-You think she's ok?, I asked my wife while wrapping an arm around her waist and kissing her cheek.

-She seems to be better at least, she said while shrugging, I guess spending time with her friends helped her to keep her mind busy, but well... it's something really hard to put up with. Your support helped her a lot too, you know.

-I'm glad. I just want to help as much as I can, I said with a sigh.

-You already do, she said smiling to me and softly kissing my lips, Though I could use an extra help from the girls to set the table.

-I'll call them, I said smiling back and giving her a last squeeze before going upstairs to find my daughters to help in the kitchen. Obviously they complained, but I asked them nicely to be supportive with Anna and Sam in this hard moment. Melanie agreed immediately, since she loves to spend time with her new mom, even when it is doing chores. Alexa... not so much. She's still kind of resisting the idea of Anna being part of her family, yet she doesn't reject her all the time like Sam used and sometimes does with me.

Apparently Anna had enough of the veggies complains, because she cooked something without any kind of veggies in it, so the girls ate quietly and with big smiles on their faces. Typical. Barely I finished cleaning the kitchen I buried my face into the pillow. I didn't want to think in anything else until the next morning.

Sam's POV:

School particulary sucked this week. I wonder if it's because I can't help but missing my grandma, even when I do everything I can not to cry for her. She was a strong woman, and I wanted to honor the way she lived acting the same way. At least my grounding week was over, so I was able to enjoy practice with my friends Zoey and Kizzie. We practiced a few songs of our repertory for the show we had coming. I'd written a song honoring my grandma, but I didn't dare to share it with them. You know, it's not our band style, all sentimental. They're not sensitive as well, so I bet they wouldn't like it.

I came back home a bit earlier than usual, since Zoey had dentist that day. Felipe wasn't home yet, my mom took the chance to go grocery shopping when I arrived and both Alexa and Melanie weren't there either. Just me and the twins, fantastic. Those two girls were locked up in their room playing with their dolls, so it was like if I were home alone, thing I enjoy every once in awhile. You know, with 7 people living in a house, it's unusual to find some time alone.

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