Chapter 4: Computer priviliges

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Sam's POV

Surprisingly, I got up very early that day. I was excited, because Felipe and I had our agreement, and I could go to my practice. We had this presentation in a few weeks, and I was damn ready for it. We were gonna rock that place!

I was so eager for going to Zoey's place that school time ran very slowly. It's exactly how everyone says: time flies when you're having fun, and runs like slow motion when you're locked in a classroom. But in the end, the bell rang and I quickly joined my friends to go together to our practice.

Back there, I was glancing at the clock all the time. I didn't want to be late for dinner, otherwise dad would kill me and wouldn't let me to go to my practices again until my punishment is done. Ugh, no way. This was the only freedom and social activity I was gonna have for at least two weeks. I wasn't gonna blew it for getting home late.

I came home pretty early, just in case. When I arrived, my mom was cooking dinner, so I decided it'd be nice to help her. And with nice, I mean extra points with my dad of course. Everything was cool, we were talking about my presentation and school and all that, until she called Alexa to come and set the table. She first said the usual "Coming!", that means that you'll be there in a while, and not right away. A few minutes later my mom called again, pretty much stern. Strange, she's the least stern person I've ever met. My mother started yelling to my sister to get out of the computer and come down to help her with dinner. Of course, after five minutes of yelling, Alexa did come down. She ran downstairs absolutely furious and started yelling to my mom that why couldn't she wait just a minute. She answered that she had waited for longer than 15 minutes, and that she needed her help now, not after another 15 minutes.

That discussion got out of control, and even when I don't really get along with Alexa, I decided to step in for her own good sake. One single curse to my mother, one single little one, and she was DOOMED. Trust me, I have experience in the matter for sure.

-Ok, OK. Calm down!, I said covering my sister's mouth with my both hands, Don't worry mom, she'll set the table in a minute.

I dragged her upstairs to her room, her mouth gagged with my hands. Was she insane? Didn't she know that when Felipe comes home he was gonna blister her butt for talking back to my mother that way? Seriously, nobody is THAT stupid. Not even me, since I try to control my temper, specially if my mother's around. The fact that I'm not always successful it's a different thing.

-Are you freaking mad? Don't you know my mother's gonna blab her mouth to dad?, I told her sitting her down on her bed. She needed a timeout, or she was gonna get it big time.

-I don't fucking care, she said yelling at me, I don't give a shit. I was peacefully playing on the computer, and she interrupted me. Couldn't she wait just a few minutes? What was the big deal? Dinner is not even ready, she said absolutely out of control. Ok, apparently my little sister just learned her very first bad words, so she HAS to use them in every single sentence. Ugh, kids.

-You're even more stupid than I thought. Yeah, you don't care... yet. When Felipe shows up in that same frame with the belt in his hand, you're gonna feel like dying. Don't be so stupid. Go, apologize to her, set the table and save your ass, I yelled at her as well.

I just couldn't believe she was being so stupid. Did she really think that she was gonna get away from this?

Felipe's POV

When Ana finished her story, I just couldn't believe her words. I mean, not from my Alexa. That didn't sound like her at all, but I knew what had made her flip off the way she did, and that was that damn computer. I was confiscating it, no second thoughts about it anymore. I just couldn't believe she raised her tone to my wife over such a stupid thing. She's so sweet and kind all the time, she doesn't deserve it.

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