Chapter 19: Breaking point

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Felipe's POV

I took the chance to glance once or twice to the garage where Joseph was with Sam. They weren't doing anything out of the ordinary, just a lot of noise which by the way wasn't contributing to the house's peace. Melanie and Alexa were fighting around, because apparently Alexa took a piece of jewelry from Melanie and lost it, but she says she didn't... in the end. I got involved in the investigation of what had happened with Melanie's necklace and, of course, found it with the laundry. Then it was eternal until Melanie apologised to Alexa, and she accepted (not without complaining, both of them).

I was busy with the necklace search that I completely forgot Justin was suppose to come to work on his car. He usually goes straight to the garage, no questions asked. Of course, he probably ran into the duet that was playing rock stars in my garage, so he appeared on the front door. I had to ask him to excuse me, that I forgot to tell him Sam and his dad would be using the garage this afternoon. He said it was ok, that anyway he passed by to apologise to Sam and her dad. I was proud of this kid. He's really a good person, and has turned into a very responsible man. It was strange he declined my polite invitation for dinner, but he said he had plans for that evening. That was weird, but I was glad. Like my brother said, he's young. He needs to hang out with his friends, have dates... be a young man.

Giving the extreme noise of the house, I decided to lock myself in my studio until dinner's ready.I had a bunch of numbers to do for the company for tomorrow morning, and if I wanted to be free friday night for Sam's competition, I had to get it done that night. Somehow I managed myself to keep my mind away from any distraction and got done most of it. I was about to go to the kitchen and ask Anna what she needed me to do for her to help her with dinner, but I didn't get that far. I started listening a conversation that was, apparently, raising its tone louder and louder.

-Mom come on! I'm only asking for you to give it a thought. That's not much to ask!, I heard Sam saying to my wife. I carefully approached to the kitchen, where both of them were locked in.

-And I already said no Samantha. No way you're gonna spend four weeks away with that man, Anna replied as loud as Sam.

-I can't believe you! He's not "that man", he's my father. My real father, and all I want to do is to save our relationship, but you only care about burying it deep down!, she spat right to Anna's face.

I decided to open the door, thinking that maybe things would quiet down, yet exactly the opposite happened. I revealed my wife with tears rolling down her face and an ready to pounce on her prey Samantha.

-Say whatever you want Samantha, and believe what you want to believe, but nothing's gonna change my decision. I'm in charge of you and you'll stay here.

-You can't keep me in here!, she spat and I had enough of it. She knows better that nothing gives her the right of being a brat under my roof.

-That's enough Samantha. Lower your tone, I said towering over her with my cold stare. Of course she wouldn't give up just like that. She was already on.

-No I will not lower my tone Felipe!, she said with that same annoying and disrespectful screech that so pushes my buttons down.

I took a couple steps towards her and firmly grabbed her forearm, turning her body around and giving her five hard smacks to her behind, one right after the other. When I let go she looked at me in anger but no longer in defiance, knowing that one step forward would bring heavy consequences upon her.

-I can't believe you just did that. Now you also take her side? Fine. If you don't leave me and dad alone then I'll leave. I swear I will! As soon as I can I'll get the hell out of here and you'll never see me again!

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