Chapter 28: After Saturday

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Felipe's POV

That night, and as every night one of my daughters aren't home I couldn't sleep very well. Something about Sam's whereabouts was suspicious, especially because Anna said she didn't get to see Kara's car when she left. Still she had insisted my oldest daughter needed trust and space, so I did nothing to find out if she was in fact where she said she would be.

To kill my anxiety I went to check on my other girls. The twins slept peacefully, each one wrapped around their respective teddy bears like koala's on a tree. I made sure they were properly tucked in before passing by Melanie and Alexa's room. I heard a little fuss coming from it and I thought that slumber party or not they should be asleep by now. I entered the room to scold them lightly and tell them to go to bed but the scene that awaited me was shocking.

Melanie and the neighbor's daughter seemed to have just woken up to a crying Alexa that had her arms wrapped around her knees, as if she was scared of everything around her. I turned on the main light of the room and the other two girls stared at me in pure fear. I frowned slightly to their reaction, since so far I simply thought Alexa had a nightmare.

"Hey doll, it's me. Calm down, ok?" I said while rubbing circles on my young daughter who was shaking like a leaf sitting on her bed. "Hey it was just a dream" I insisted with my calm voice trying to coax her out of her shock state.

"I don't wanna sleep alone dad" she cried while burying her face on my chest. I lifted my look to search for tissues but when my eyes met Melanie's I distinguished something very clear in her look. She knew what was going on and it wasn't good.

"Why don't you go to our room and sleep with Anna? I have to talk to your sister" I instructed her gently but abandoned that position barely the door was shut and exchanged it for a more stern demeanour. "What is wrong with Alexa? I know you know" I cut down my daughter's possibility of playing dumb. I was no fool.

"It wasn't our fault" she pouted already getting defensive while the other girl looked down and remained silent.

"Then tell me" I requested calmly. I'd decide later if she had responsibility for it or not.

And so between the two of them spilled out the true story behind Alexa's nightmare. It made sense now why they were actually quite shaken as well.

"You watched an R rated movie? And on top of everything, you let your sister watch it" I pointed out my daughter's mistakes, not caring who was present.

"She bugged us to let her in! I warned her she wouldn't like it but she had to act like a baby" Melanie felt brave enough to raise her tone, probably feeling protected by the presence of her friend. But she'd regret that tone, sooner or later.

"That attitude won't get you anywhere young lady. I'll speak in the morning with the neighbors and then..." I paused my sentence to point a threatening finger to my daughter. "... you and I will have a talk about watching movies you're not allowed to watch. Now you two better go to sleep already. Quietly" I instructed firmly and instantly both of the girl covered themselves with the covers and shut their eyes close. That of course didn't mean they'd fall asleep immediately, but they knew better than to make any noise that makes me come back up.

Next morning I woke up first as usual, so I took some time to take a cup a coffee and think about what was I going to say to my daughter when she wakes up. I was incredibly upset that she had dared to watch that kind of movie when me and Anna have so many times told them under no circumstances can they watch overrated movies, and on top of everything they had let Alexa watch it, knowing how easily she gets scared. It had taken everything in us to get her back to sleep last night and God knew how long she'd remain in that state.

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