Chapter 12: The dreaded talk

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It seemed perfectly clear that Felipe knew exactly where I had been and what I did, so I found useless to lie.

-I was... at the cemetery, visiting nana, I answered with a tiny voice it could have only been heard by him, inches apart of me. And he seemed to be more and more close to my spot.

-Why did you do it Sam?, he asked me while leaning forward a little bit more.

-I wanted to see her and I wanted to go alone, I said stroking my knees as speaking.

I was already doomed, yet I was still nervous. Why? I don't know. I already knew I was gonna get it, but these talks with Felipe still make me pour sweat. Besides he seemed so disappointed of me. Not that I actually care about it, but I didn't feel well knowing he felt that way about me.

-Do you have any idea how worried we were here? Was it really that hard to come and tell us you wanted to go?, he asked me raising his eyebrows in my direction, in a clear sign of expecting some explanation from my part. An explanation I didn't have for him unfortunately.

-Like I said, I wanted to go alone. I don't understand why you were so worried about me. I told Justin the exact place where I'd be. In fact I was surprised you didn't show up and dragged me back home.

-The only reason I didn't go find you it's because I promised you I wouldn't put a foot there until you let me, remember?, he said after a huge sigh.

It was true. The day we buried my grandma I told him I didn't want him anywhere near that place. He seemed to respect my choice, and he said that if I ever felt ready to let him come in, he'd gladly escort me to see my grandma.

-Yes I do. I'm sorry but I had to go, I coldly stated while looking away.

-Nobody's blaming you for needing your grandma Sam. Visiting your grandma's grave is not a sign of weakness as you might think. I still visit my father and mother's grave, and not without shedding a tear to be honest.

-I know I should have said something, and I never meant for you to be worried about me. I just didn't know how to ask you, I said folding my arms around me to keep myself together.

In that moment I felt a few tears trying to find their way to the surface of my eyes. No way I was letting them out, but it seemed to be stronger than me. Felipe stretched his hand to grab one of mine, rubbing it softly as he was giving me a warm look.

-Whenever you feel ready, I'll go with you if it pleases you, and I'll stay as far away as you feel fit. Now next subject: you sneaking out from school.

I gulped. I knew this cute talking wouldn't last long. Couldn't ask that much of him either. As if I didn't know the consequences of ditching under this roof.

-I'm sorry, I said dropping my head in shame.

I had mixed feelings in that moment. I wasn't sorry at all about going to see my grandma, no matter the circumstances, because it was way more than a good reason to break the rules. Although I was sorry about worrying and disappointing my parents.

-It is late for being sorry now Sam. We'll finish this conversation in my studio. Now go, he said putting aside his comprehensive manners and giving me a stern look.

I didn't say a word. What for anyway? I felt my sisters eyes on me, their stare burning my back from the kitchen's distance. My mom was there too, but with time she learned how to pretend she wasn't paying attention to what was happening inches apart of her. I got up as quietly as I could, ignoring all the stares, including his, and quickly made my way to Felipe's studio, shutting the door behind me. He wouldn't delay to come to finish what I started by sneaking out of school.

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