Chapter 37: Father's day

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Sam's POV

After that horrible day, I couldn't get rid of the feeling how having betrayed my youngest siblings. I knew why I had to do it, and I know it wouldn't hurt them for long but that look in their eyes was simply heartbreaking.

That's why, after Felipe was done 'talking' with Kim, I climbed up the stairs and walked myself to their shared bedroom. When my knocking went unanswered, I simply pushed the door open, revealing both of my sisters playing on Trini's bed with their barbie dolls and a spider man they absolutely loved while Clunkers snuggled to their sides. Good luck my mom wasn't there to see it.

"Hey babes" I spoke to them gently as I walked quietly into their room, even when I hadn't been invited. "Listen, I know you're still upset with me, but you know I'd never do anything to hurt you. Right?" I felt the need for them to understand I would always be there to protect them, even when it didn't seem so.

They didn't say a word nor move a muscle to reply. I kneeled by the foot of the bed and I was relieved when they didn't scoot away from me, even when they still watched my every move with distrust. I moved my hands from behind my back and showed them my fists, trying to get them to guess what it was. When they didn't even attempt to do it, I simply opened my palms showing the sweet gift I had brought them from the store.

"Wow Sammy! Thank you" Trini shouted in excitement while taking the Kinder egg I had in my right hand while Kim did the same with the other.

"Shh it's our secret ok?" I said with my index finger posed on my lips. They instantly curved into a smile when my sisters looked at me again with their eyes sparkling with joy. I had hated what had happened today, but now it's all good.

Another reason why I was sore those days was that school's talent show was each day closer, and it was on a special occasion: father's day. I knew many of my classmates had invited their parents to said event, but I felt discouraged by the mere meaning of it. Yes, Felipe was the closest thing I've had to a father, but I couldn't get rid of the bitter taste of my biological father's last visit. I didn't expect to hear from him any time soon, if not ever. I simply felt alone.

Fortunately for me, that day Matt and Justin were invited for dinner. According to him, my uncle was still behaving strangely, and hadn't given any clues of what was troubling him. I somehow convinced Justin that in time he'd tell him what was going on, but that didn't ease him much.

Seeing uncle Matt on such a dreadful day for me was great, but seeing Justin was even better, even if I couldn't show it in front of the family. It hadn't gone unnoticed by anyone in the family that me and my cousin tolerated each other a lot more than before, even enjoyed each other's company every once in a while and it didn't seem suspicious to them. Felipe on one side was more than relieved that he had to stop punishing me due to something related to his favorite nephew, and Matt seemed glad that we could spend time together in peaceful company. He really seemed to like me and the feeling was mutual. I had felt him part of my family the second he walked through that door. Give the man some credit, because not even Felipe managed to crack my shield so quickly, but uncle Matt was special.

Even when they weren't sore with me anymore, the twins hadn't easily forgotten about the needles incident, and when it was convenient they'd bring it up to get something they wanted. I had taught them well after all.

"It hurt" Trini pouted adorably to her cousin, and I couldn't help to smile a little at her antics.

"I know babe, but it's all done. We can play to anything you want" Justin reassured the little girl right in front of him, who displayed a big smile that quickly replaced the jutted lip she had.

"Soccer!" she shouted cheerfully while jumping a little on her toes in pure excitement.

"Alright. Go get the ball" he chuckled at her before patting her head to send my sister on her way.

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