Chapter 32: First date

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Sam's POV

I think my blood froze the entire time we were sitting down with my sisters on the couch, with out parents staring at us expectantly. My palms were so sweaty as my mom spoke that I had to rub them against my jean cladded thighs. Even when I was visually nervous, I had decided in my mind that, if the decision was made of getting rid of the dog, I was leaving with him.

Fortunately, though hard to admit, Felipe was the most reasonable in the room. He silently rooted for us to keep the dog, at least until we find him a home. I call that a battle half won. All we had to do was to keep him long enough for it to be impossible to kick him out.

Bad news were that he of course was restricted to the back yard. Not that the little animal complained. He loved to run and dig holes and basically do dog stuff outside. My mom was anything but pleased when she realized her plants were in for it, but Felipe promised her he'd guard them and come up with a solution. The mediator.

When I went back to my room, my sister's words were still bouncing in my head. Going out with Justin, us alone... it was certainly intriguing. I doubted her plan could work, but it was worth to try. I just had to tell him.
Problem was that I had never asked a guy out in my life. How did I say this?

I decided it'd be best to just call him. Texts make me anxious and my speech abilities were way better than my writing ones. I fumbled with the sheets of my half stripped off bed, that I had been told a million times to make but didn't, while I waited for Justin to pick up. When he did, I took a deep breath and just started talking.

"Hey. What's up?" I asked casually while staring at the stains on my otherwise milky white roof.

"Hey Sam. I was just doing homework" he replied making me roll my eyes. It was Friday for God's sake. Truth was I could imitate him a little, since I was way behind my school work, but what's the fun in that?

"I was just thinking maybe we could..." I let the sentence hanging while I licked my lips as I found my mouth completely dry all of the sudden. The cursed words simply wouldn't come out! "I think I found a way for us to hang out" I changed the aim of the conversation and I was met with a deep silence on the other side of the line for like two seconds.

"Really?" he finally reacted, sounding intrigued.

"Melanie wants to go to the movies with her friends tomorrow, but dad won't let her unless someone older goes with them. Maybe we could volunteer. I don't think they'll bother us" I decided to just jump into it already. I didn't necessarily need to tell him the truth about my sister's date. We'd be busy on our own.

"Won't it be suspicious?" he asked worryingly but I had it covered.

"Aren't you Melanie's adored older cousin and me her older sister? I think Felipe will buy it anyways" I explained with a little too much optimism, but the truth was I thought it could actually work. I was willing to take the risk.

"I don't like lying to him" he grumbled slightly as I imagined him pursing his beautiful lips to the side. Suddenly my mouth watered.

"That's the beauty of it, we're not. We are indeed taking her to the movies" I completed the details of the plan, but I felt the cold of his feet on the other side of the phone. "Although if you don't want to, I guess it's ok" I said willing to just drop it instead of forcing it into him, but he beat me to it.

"No, I'm in. Just text me when to pick you up tomorrow" he showed a little more enthusiasm for our first date, making me smile at his words. "I'm kind of excited" he confessed sweetly as I could imagine a gentle smile tugging at his lips.

"Yeah, me too" I chuckled involuntarily at my cellphone. "I gotta go. If I don't make my bed, Felipe will kill me. I'll text you later" I finished my sentence before hanging up. I jumped out of the bed and carelessly pulled the covers over, without caring if it looked neat or not.

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