Chapter 11: Dinner tensions

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Felipe's POV

My mind doesn't seem to understand why is it that everytime my nephew Justin and my daughter Sam are in the same room the environment turns so harsh. They barely look at each other, and when they do is only to exchange glares. They've just met and they hate each other already. What was left for me to do for them to get along? I had a few ideas, but Sam was definitely not gonna like them. I was thinking that probably, if they get to spend more time together, they'll get used to each other. Otherwise this is gonna look like world war III. At least Sam's best friend's presence soothed the tension between the two sides.

After dinner the twins monopolized Justin's attention, since they locked him into their room making play thousands of games. He really doesn't mind, he's a charming boy and a wonderful person when it comes to kids. Now when it comes to other people... I must admit he doesn't show the best manners always. That's something that has my brother upset. The ability to keep control over your temper, no matter the situation, is a gift given to me and my brother, but definitely not so much to Justin. It has helped us in many situations with our respective ex wifes, that tend to be the kind of people that'd drive any man crazy. I could somehow relate to Justin. To deal with your own personality it's something you learn with time and experience, and I was sure he'd turn up being more like me than no one. He was in many aspects similar to myself, and sometimes I could feel I was talking with a 16 years old me.

I was just hoping dinner would go through with no unpleasant situations. It kinda did.

Sam's POV

Felipe cut my pc resource off once dinner was over, so me and my friend Karen had nowhere to lock ourselves in. Yes we had my room, with absolutely nothing to do. Instead of that we were in the playroom, watching my sisters Melanie and Alexa fight against in each other in a Just Dance battle. Melanie was kicking Alexa's ass really bad. It is logical, since my younger sister can move as much as a piece of wood. Dancing is definitely not her thing. Now Melanie had some good moves, good enough to beat Alexa but still not good enough to be great. Me? I'm not attracted to those silly girly games. I much rather those where you can shoot everyone. Of course Felipe does not agree with them, so I have to wait for him to be out of this house to play. Meanwhile my sister's battle ended up, and of course they were arguing about it.

-Would you relax Alexa? It's a stupid game and Melanie kicked your butt. Period, I said to her while I was laying on the couch. Those fights really disturb my aura, and I was trying to keep my own peace now that the snobby wasn't around.

-It's not stupid. You just say so because you only play your tomboy games, she said turning her head to look at me with an arrogant look. Oh is that so?

-You think I can't handle your stupid game? You don't know me at all, I said getting up and glaring at her. She knows she'll lose every single battle we can have. I'm older, stronger, faster, smarter...

-Prove it. Let's play two against two, she said picking up two remotes and tossing them to me.

-Fine. Let's go Karen, I said for my friend to get up too. She was beyond annoyed, but I can thank her later for helping me to put Alexa back to her place, which is quiet.

-I don't get why I'm always in the middle of this crap, Karen said getting up from the couch and grabbing the remote reluctantly.

-And you don't even live here, Melanie said with a snort.

Alexa picked up a song for four. Ugh, couldn't she pick something less stupid? Not that I don't like Britney Spears, but dancing that song was gonna make me look like a dork. "Oops I did it again", with four girls dressed up in colorful latex outfits. I'd hate to wear that honestly.

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