Chapter 39: Finding our way back

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Sam's POV

After that awful round with Felipe I didn't dare not even to peep when he reminded me I had my tutor sessions that day. He still seemed pretty upset at me, and hell I had given him reason. It just annoyed me when he seemed oh so concerned about my academic life. Yeah, I failed one class. So what? Probably not the best idea I ever had to actually say that to him but my still sore behind wouldn't let me make that mistake again.

And that's why I found myself reluctantly walking upstairs to the library where I'd meet my so called tutor. Felipe hadn't told me who that was. All he said was that this person would be waiting for me in table 5 during my free period, and if I was smart I wouldn't make them wait not even a minute. My eyes scanned the room quickly in search for the table and when I did I raised my eyes to the roof seeking for the patience I'd need.

Of course it had to be a guy.

"Hi. You're Sam?" he smiled gently at me from his seat in the library.

"Yeah, I am" I sighed deeply, trying not to be so rude. If Felipe found out, he'd finish roasting my butt... again.

"I'm Jona. I know you really don't want to be here, but I'm sure I can help you" he said trying to empathize with my situation, but I felt more like patronized than anything. Plus it made me quite uncomfortable that it was a boy. I couldn't help to think what would happen if Justin saw us like that.

"I know, don't worry. I'm not gonna kick up a fuss. I just want to be done with it" I assured him there was no need for his speech, since all I wanted to do was to do as Felipe told me and get my sorry ass back home. Sometimes you simply had to admit defeat.

The guy was obviously older than me, already in high school. That's why we had met in the library that we shared with their building. I couldn't help to wonder what would happen if Justin saw me this close to another boy. Would he get jealous? Or he really meant that we were through? I really wanted to know the answer to those questions, so bad that I had forgotten about Jason or whatever and started to look around me.

And what do you know. Guess who was walking through the library door with his friends precisely in that moment? Oh what a perfect opportunity.

"Sorry, can you tell me that again?" I asked Jona, being a bit nicer than I would have liked and loud enough for the entire room to hear. Let's just see if I can get the boy across the library to react. Indeed when I peaked over my shoulder, I spotted two grey orbs dark with jealousy. Well too bad for you.

Of course that didn't mean he dared to come over and talk to me. I'd need something better if I was going to get him to admit that he liked me and that he wanted to be with me anyways. I knew I could use our family situation in my favor, and being the smart boy he was I guess he knew that as well as I did. That's the reason why he had stopped coming over to my house. Still he couldn't avoid me forever, and he couldn't be rude or distant to me in front of the others, because it had landed him in trouble in the past. It's not what I would have wanted, but eventually he'd see himself forced to let out his feelings for me. I knew it.

That day I craved my bed more than ever, and if it had been allowed in my house I'd have gone to sleep the moment I get back. Maybe I couldn't do exactly that, but I was definitely locking myself in my bedroom until dinner and avoid any human contact. With that plan in my head, I walked past the living room and faced the stairs when I noticed the two figures sitting on the couches were staring at me intently.

"What did I do now?" I asked by instinct when I spotted Felipe and my mom sitting down on the living room's couch, all eyes on me.

"If you were good to your tutor, then nothing wrong" he was quick to reply with his freezing look upon me. He knew he had nothing to worry about though. I might be rebellious and lazy sometimes, but he made sure I heard his message loud and clear. I remained silent waiting for the matter to be addressed, and wasn't surprised when it was him who took the lead. "I'm gonna have to take a few extra hours at work, and as you know your mother works until late, so there's something we wanted to ask you" he left the subject hanging there for my mom to pick up where he left off.

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