Chapter 36: A visit to the doctor

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 Sam's POV

That morning I was raised with a bad feeling in my guts. I couldn't take my mind off the important appointment my sisters had that day. I for sure had always been one to kick up a fuss before going to the doctor, and the twins were no different. They'd kick and cry to the sight of a cough syrup, no telling about a needle stuck in their arms. It'd be hell for sure.

First thing I did when I got down for breakfast it wasn't even eat. I walked straight to the backyard door and let my poor little puppy in. My mom had insisted for him to sleep outside, but I knew I'd convince her with a little time. Hell we had talked her into having a dog in the first place.

"Sam, must you do that now?" my mom scolded me as I played on the ground with my little furry ball.

"The poor animal slept outside in the cold all night" I talked the way I could, trying to avoid my boy to lick me all over my face. "Didn't you, you poor Clunkers?" I spoke directly to the animal in question while accepting a sweet kiss from him under my mother's disapproving gaze.

"So it's Clunkers in the end" Felipe took me by surprise on my back, having just walked into the kitchen. It was the whole weekend discussing the dog's name, but I knew I'd have the winning vote in the end. "It wasn't even a cold night Sam. We wouldn't do that" he reassured me, earning a raising eyebrow from my mom on his back. I even had to bite down a chuckle not to give her away.

"Fine. Come on sweety, back outside. I gotta go to school" I opened the door so he'd go back outside, knowing I wouldn't win that argument. For now, that's where he had to stay. I waved him goodbye with a bright smile, feeling warmth beaming from my chest. "What?" I asked Felipe when I found him staring at me fondly.

"Nothing. It's just great to see you this happy in the morning" he chuckled slightly before turning around to make himself a cup of coffee.

What he ignored was that Clunkers wasn't the main source of my happiness lately. Yes, he did more than to console me for the other puppy, but the truth was I was mostly in a good mood thanks to Justin. On one hand, he had stopped being the sobby boy that would ruin my day with his presence, and on the other... yes, I liked him a lot. It was hard for me to admit it at first, but the truth was everything seemed better when he was around, so I'd find excuses everyday to see him. Not at school because I didn't want to take any chances to be seen doing something suspicious.

That morning my mom drove us to school as usual, and right by the door there was a familiar figure waiting for me. I smirked constantly while getting down from the car quickly. I had died to talk to her in person.

"You look too bright to be at school on Monday" Karen observed as I approached to her with the biggest smile I had sported in my life, especially in this building.

"I'm sorry... it's just. God it was the best date ever" I squeaked in excitement but kept the blessed word in a whisper. I didn't want anyone to hear anything about that.

"Ugh I can't believe you didn't tell me! I texted you like 10 times on the weekend and all you spoke about was your dog" she scolded me for my unfriendly behavior but I had good reason to act like that.

"You know I like to talk about these things in person. Plus, I can't have evidence anywhere. Felipe sometimes confiscates my phone, and I don't trust him not to take a look" I explained to my best friend in hopes that she'd forgive me. I know it may not seem like it, but she's been more like a sister than any of the other girls in my house. I tell her absolutely everything, and with such a secret between my hands I was dying to spill a bit in confidence.

"Oh, you're right. Clever" she congratulated me for my quick thinking. "Ok so now spill" she said next with a more commanding tone, and I knew she was dying of excitement as much as I was.

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