Chapter 30: Making things right

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Felipe's POV

After my wife's scene that morning, I was pretty sure she had let Sam home alone without any kind of supervision, and I had to repress myself countless of times during the day to go home and check on her or even call. She was her mother and had made that decision and I had no say in it. If that was so, why was it that I couldn't take Sam off my head?

She was a troubled girl from the beginning, that much I can tell. It's not that my daughters were perfect, but they were certainly more open to this family we wanted to form. Sam on the other side was not too fond of it. I had always awarded it to the rules I intended to lay down but perhaps I had misread the situation this whole time. Maybe she simply didn't want me in her life.

Truth was Sam hadn't actually said so, and I felt quite immature with my attitude, but I just couldn't get off my head the fact my wife had hidden something so important to me following her daughter's instructions. As if I was some monster she needed to defend her from. I was not that for sure.

As soon as I got home, I threw my jacket caresly on the couches and locked myself in the piano room. Normally I would have headed to my studio, but the twins were playing in the living room very loudly and I wanted some peace and quiet. I had a lot of work to do but seeing the piano there was just too tempting for me. I crept closer and closer to it until my fingers grazed the keys, letting a melancholic melody out of the huge instrument

Made a wrong turn, once or twice

I sang as my fingers unconsciously followed the melody on the piano. I think I had heard one of my daughters listen to this song sometime. I had always liked the lyrics, and it always reminded me of a little someone.

Oh, pretty, pretty please... don't you ever, ever feel

Like you're less than, less than perfect

Pretty, pretty please, if you ever, ever feel like you're nothing

You are perfect to me

After I was done I felt even worse if it was possible, but I had procrastinated my work as much as I could.

I opened the door of my studio to shield myself like every other day since me and Anna had a fight, but I didn't find exactly the peace and quiet I was looking for. Two orbs stared at me from the couch, her hands stroking the hem of her shirt while she nibbled on her lower lip, constantly wiggling her foot on the floor. Samantha stared at me for like a minute before opening her mouth.

"I need to talk to you for a minute" she said despite the horrible hoarse noise that came out of her throat the first time she attempted to talk. Hence, she must have a large amount of crying just waiting to come out.

"Of course" I said shutting the door behind me and turning around to look right into her eyes. "What's going on Sam?" I stated more warmly than the tone I had used on her lately. "I... I wanna know why you treat me different lately" she demanded lightly, given the fact her sore voice didn't allow her to look so tough she always tried. I took a couple seconds to decide how this would go down, and having made up my mind I spoke.

"I'd have thought your mother told you about it" I grumbled in annoyance to my wife's attitude lately.

"You know she didn't, she never does" Sam said deviating her look for a second to glare slightly before connecting with me again. "I know you had a fight but why am I in the middle of it?"

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