Chapter 6: The plan going South

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Sam's POV

I couldn't believe it! Well I actually couldn't believe two things: that I was stupid enough to play smart with my dad losing my privileges and that snobby Justin gets spanked too. Oh yes. Now I could use that as an advantage against him. I wasn't really sure how, but I bet I can figure out something good.

I know my dad sent me straight to bed, but I decided to give Zoey a quick phone call. I needed a plan to go to practice, but honestly I couldn't think in any good plan. Karen wouldn't help me, because she hates Zoey and Kizzie. So kiss my plan of "doing homework with Karen" goodbye. Anyway Felipe wouldn't buy it. It sounded kind of convenient that I had to study at my friend's place barely he grounded me. He's far smarter than that.

-Zoe we have a problem, I said shutting the door and sitting down on the bed. Felipe usually checks on us before going to bed, so he should be here any minute. He won't be happy at all if he finds me on the phone at this time.

-What happened girl?, she said. I could hear her quickly tipping on her keyboard. That constant sound was driving me crazy, seriously. I think she wasn't even listening to me.

-I just had a fight with Felipe. The bastard grounded me, I said with a huge sigh. I actually don't like to call him that way, but I really hate when my friends call me daddy's girl. I am so not such a thing, starting by the fact I don't have a real father.

-Son of bitch!, she said now paying attention to me and dropping the tipping thing, For real? Sam, we have a presentation soon enough. We need you girl!

-I know, I know, I said in the middle of a huge frustration, I'll just have to come up with something good.

-Alright, alright listen, she said trying to calm me down, It doesn't really matter if you miss some practices, but we're meeting the presentation judges on friday. You must be there.

I remained silent for a few seconds. Friday, Justin in charge, Felipe not around... what a perfect opportunity for a little sneak out.

-Ok, I think I might be able to be there on friday, I said when I heard a few footsteps coming upstairs.

-That's great!, she said happily, What do you have in mind?

-I gotta go, I'll tell you tomorrow. Bye, I said quickly hanging up the phone and shoving into the sheets and closing my eyes just in time.

Just then Felipe opened the door of my bedroom. I could slightly spy on him over my shoulder, but I couldn't risk myself to get caught. He came closer to me and sat down on my bed next to me. He covered me with a blanket while caressing my hair. Probably he thought I'd be deep asleep, and I wouldn't hear him say what he said, but I did.

-I love you Sam. I don't care how often we fight, I'll always be here for you. Goodnight baby girl, he said kissing my forehead.

With that he got up from my bed and shut the door behind him. Barely he did I sat down on bed rubbing my face. Oh hell no, now I feel so guilty. I didn't want to piss him off anymore, but I felt like I had no choice on the matter. My friends needed me there on friday, and I had to be there. It doesn't matter anyway. Probably Justin will be so busy with his own ego that he won't notice my little escape.

Felipe's POV

Friday night

I was pretty nervous about tonight. First of all, we were having dinner with Matt's boss, person who could promote him and so my brother's life wouldn't be that hard. Second of all, I never like to leave my girls alone, and with Sam grounded and Alexa as well... I didn't know what could happen. Not that I don't trust Justin to handle them, but he's still young to take responsibility for five girls. It's hard even for myself sometimes. Let's just hope everything will be ok.

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