Chapter 21: The bullying

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Felipe's POV

I had started to get worried about Sam, seeing as we had spent a few minutes waiting for her right next to the van. Somehow we had lost her in the crowd and I was about to go back in to get her when I saw her small frame person walking this way looking very angry. I decided not to ask, since there was a lot going on with Sam that night and what we all wanted the most was to rest.

We picked up the girls from my neighbor's house and headed straight home. Anna was exhausted, so I took it on myself to lay down the still deep asleep twins on their beds and make sure the older ones get to it as well. It was quite late after all.

I checked on four of my daughters and smiled when I found all of them deep asleep, landing a good night kiss on each of their foreheads before going for the last one. I passed by Sam's room and since I found the door half open, I pushed it to let myself in and the picture broke my heart. It was Sam sitting on top of her bed with her pj's on, her hands holding her guitar close to her body, her look staring at something in the distance. She was probably deep into her thoughts because she didn't acknowledge my presence until I spoke.

-Sam sweetie. Isn't it a bit late to be playing Pete?, I gently scolded her as she put down her beloved acoustic guitar.

-Yeah... I was just thinking and I thought I'd let out some things, she said swiftly wiping off a few tears thinking I couldn't see her in the darkness of her room.

-Well you should give your brain a little rest and head to bed. Yeah?, I offered sweetly but she didn't answer me. I even doubted she was paying attention.

-How could I be so blind? I should have seen this coming, she stated coldly while looking at her reflection in the mirror of her room.

I slowly made my way to crouch in front of her, so I could look right into her eyes while speaking.

-Sam sweetie, listen to me: what happened today was not your fault. You felt you needed to give Joseph another chance and you did. It's not our fault when other people disappoint us, I spoke clearly to her when her tearful eyes met mine.

-I just can't believe he took me for a fool. And it's kind of my fault because... well... you and mom were right. Y-you tried to warn me and I just got so angry with you. I... I'm so sorry, she said before wrecking in sobs once again.

I held her in my arms for what seemed forever, every second wrecking my brain as to how to heal her broken heart. Sadly I knew deep down there was nothing I could do, only to stand there with her and help her get through this awful experience.

-Shhh it's ok Sam. Darling you have nothing to be sorry for. Me and you mother love you and we'll always look after you, ok? He won't hurt you ever in your life, I promised my broken hearted daughter and I meant it. That man would never reach her again.

-Thanks... dad, she smiled at me but not without hesitation on the dad part.

-It's nothing but our job sweetie. And you know there's no pressure on that, I added to the confusion of my oldest wiping the remaining tears on her cheek before they could stain her clothes.

-On what?, she asked tilting her head to one side.

-I noticed that since Joseph got here you don't call me dad anymore. And I want you to know it's ok. That's your call, I said while trying to pretend that it didn't hurt me.

-I know it is. I didn't realize I did that, but that's who I want you to be. No need to get jealous dad, she smirked softly to me and I turned my head away.

-I'm not, I said but I wouldn't convince anyone with that.

-Please dad. I know that's in part why you didn't like my dad at all. Actually you only call him Joseph and nothing more.

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