Chapter 34: Saying hello

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Sam's POV

As the car drove away with the only thing that had ever made me happy, I turned around and bolted upstairs to find some peace and quiet in my room. I didn't want the twins to see me upset, they were enough troubled at it was.

I locked the door knowing Felipe wouldn't be back for a while, enjoying the loneliness and comfort only my bedroom could give me. Between those walls I had always felt safe, so I didn't even flinch when my tears started slipping across my cheeks as I stared at nothing in front of me. I felt empty.

And it wasn't just for the dog. That was the dog my grandma had always wanted, and I felt so much closer to her when he was around. Now I was all alone again, and I panicked with the thought that little by little I'd forget about her.

Never, I promised to myself as I clenched my hands in fists, resisting the idea of forgetting about my dear grandma. I'd think about her everyday if that's what it took.

My therapist had told me that forgetting about certain things wasn't a bad thing. It was the only way to get to the point where I'd recall only the good moments, and they'd make me smile instead of crying. That's what she had called 'move on'.

So I had to let my little buddy go. He'd be happy with his family. It's where he belongs after all.

I held my phone close to my chest, wondering if what I was about to was a good idea. I shook my head and typed down a quick text to Justin, just to see what he was doing. I had no idea if I should text him this often, but I knew I'd feel better if I got it out of my chest- Not a second later a text came in, asking how I was doing. I told him everything that had happened and that I was feeling a little down, and he promised he'd visit us later that day.

I didn't get down from my room until I heard the distinctive noise of a car being pulled on the driveway, and since my parents had been back for almost an hour, there could only be one person knocking on our door.

My feet carried me downstairs to open the door first, but someone had beated me to it and Justin was already into the hall. I stared at him with a small smile, unseen yet for him.

"Hey gorgeous" he spoke sweetly to my youngest sisters while wrapping his long arms around them both making them giggle with his bear hug. I stared at the scene from the distance feeling quite moved but had to quickly compose myself when Felipe entered the room.

"Justin. What a nice surprise" he spoke first, being him who opened the door.

"I'm sorry for dropping by unannounced" he said while standing up from his crouching position as the twins fought about who'd play with him first. "I just wanted to make sure you were ok. I heard what happened" he explained unaware that he had given a detail he shouldn't have.

"Really?" he raised his eyebrow, probably trying to think how he found out what had happened. I panicked for a second and didn't let go of my breathing until he spoke again. "Did your dad tell you?" Felipe went on by himself to our luck.

"Yes, precisely. Anyways I hadn't see you guys in a while" he changed the subject keeping his charming smile on so Felipe wouldn't suspect a thing.

Feeling contented with his answer, my dad left the room along with the twins, who had promised would help my mom with dinner this time. This allowed me to come out from my hiding spot to greet him, and he smiled at me finally seeing the person he had come to visit.

"Hi" he smiled gently while looking down into my eyes.

"Hey" I replied as I tried to drown a giggle, feeling butterflies in my stomach. "You came" I decided to state the obvious.

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