Chapter 18: Paying the price

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Justin's POV

I tried to excuse myself for my behavior in my head over and over again, yet I couldn't find anything even near good enough. I knew why I had said those things to Sam, even if I didn't process them the moment I let them out. I just couldn't believe she'd choose her father over us, her own family. I know what it's like to be left out, and I promise you that if the woman I used to call my mom ever comes around I'll never even receive her, like Sam should have done with Joseph. Still even when I was completely right about what I said, I couldn't take the image of Sam's face transforming from anger to sadness off my mind. The second I realized the effect of what I had done, the second I felt both of my dad and my uncle burning me with their disappointed looks a huge knot was built on my throat, a pain in my chest that would keep me from saying anything. I watched Sam's eyes getting glassy and her heart broken, yet she didn't even give me time to apologize. She just ran upstairs and locked herself in her room.

Of course my dad let me know clear as a day that I had a punishment coming. Oh man, not again. I don't know why I've been punished so often recently, mostly because of a Sam thing. I don't know why it's so hard for us to get along. It's not that I don't like her, it's just that she pisses me off to no end with her attitude sometimes. Maybe I wasn't all polite with her dad, but it's not that I cursed on him or anything. Besides I don't like that guy at all. Ever since he showed up my dad told me uncle Felipe's really sad, that aunt Anna's a mess because she doesn't know what to do, and I just hate Sam idolizes him as if he was some kind of hero. I didn't want him to hurt her...

Still my dad was right. I shouldn't have said those things to Sam. I think I hurt her really bad, and that wasn't my intention at all. I was quite pissed with myself, so I practically forced myself to go to Sam's door and apologize to her right away. As I thought, she told me to get out so I did. Maybe I could find another moment to tell her I was sorry. I didn't want to do it behind a locked door.

With my hands in my pockets and a defeated look I walked downstairs to go home with my dad, who was still holding a disappointed expression in his usually friendly looking eyes. I said my goodbyes to my little cousins and aunt Anna. Uncle Felipe shook my hand and dedicated me a comprehensive smile, despite his stern look.

Barely we got back home, my dad shot me a stern look. The house was particulary quiet, and he broke that silence by ordering me to go to my room. I did not argue against that, because I knew it had no use. I prefer to just do what he tells me so everything will be soon over. Alone in my room, I took off my leather jacket and threw it abruptly over my bed. I hate it when I know I'm about to get punished. I mean I'm 16, shouldn't this routine be over already? True is that, even when I never was often punished, I don't get punished as often as before...oh but I still do.

I heard the door crack open behind my back and I turned around to face my dad. He wasn't taller or bigger than me, still his look could intimidate me to no end. On top of everything, I have huge respect for him, because he's a great person to my eyes, and I just hate it when I disappoint him. He slowly unbuckled his belt out of the loops and grabbed both tips with his right hand. He told me to lean over my bed, and so I did, only that right after that he reminded me that I had to take down my pants and boxers as well. I gulped for a second and tried to appeal, but he just didn't listen to me.

-Now Justin, is all what he said so I got ready for the worst.

I slowly undid my own belt, tossing my jeans to the floor, hesitating a bit when I slipped my fingers beneath the elastic of my underwear. With a deep breath I pulled them down quickly, knowing my dad didn't have much patience left. I bent over the bed, my fingers digging into the sheets and my heart pace racing so fast I thought it'd pop out of my chest. To go through this embarrassment I had to go to a place far away from here and deep into my own mind, somewhere my dad wasn't spanking his 16 years old son like some naughty toddler.

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