Chapter 24: Cover blown

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Felipe's POV

To make a mistake is one thing, but to lie about it? Absolutely no. Not only entering in my studio without my explicit authorization is a big mistake, but to lie right to my face is even worse. I looked down now to my only nephew with the coldest look I could muster, reserved only for these ocations. He had unfortunately picked up an habit of lying to me, but that would end that day. I made myself clear I wouldn't tolerate another stupid move like that from him, so I trusted he'd come back to his senses. My daughters on the other hand... well they'd need a little push to understand how things go down in this house. Just like my other two girls did when they were about Kim and Trini's age. Sam well, she never really got along with the rules, but she kept herself at bay.

Once I dismissed Justin from our conversation I went to fetch my youngests and led them to my studio. I shut the door as they stood there quietly, trying to hold an innocent act it'd crack sooner or later. Ugh they probably got that from Sam.

-Girls I'm only gonna ask once, and I want the truth. Who was playing with my papers in here when they were clearly not supposed to?, I asked the twins right in the eye, as I had crouched in front of them to do so.

First they shared a look of questioning between each other before Trini opened up her mouth to start talking. She always take the lead while her sister is normally the brain behind every misbehavior of them both.

-What did Justin say daddy?, she tried to take a turn but I wasn't in the mood. And I pretty much let them know their time was ticking.

-I don't know Trinity Marie. What did he say?, I lifted an eyebrow and I saw how her eyes cowered away from mine in that instant.

-A lie, she said barely above a whisper so I posed my eyes in the second sister in the room.

-And you think that's ok Kimberly Amie?, I asked to the trembling behind her sister girl who furiously nodded her head at me.

-No daddy. Lying is wrong, she said as Trini remained silently scuffing her feet on the floor.

-Well you lied to me too young ladies. When you let someone tell a lie for you, it's just as bad as if you were saying yourselves. Do you understand that?, I said trying to speak as calmly as possible to them but all hell broke loose when they realized where this conversation was leading them.

-Daddy pleeease, we don't want a spanking, Kim started crying in desperation and her sister would follow her soon.

-Well a spanking is what you get when you do something you're not supposed to Kim, so I'm afraid you don't have a choice, I said standing back on my feet and leading her to the couch. It'd be easier if I got Kim done first. She's a fly risk.

I brought my squirming daughter across my lap and prepared my heart to support her desperate crying. Unfortunately for them, this punishment would have to topall the ones they previously had. Entering into my studio was a serious no-no, and they had to understand that.

With that in mind I raised my hand in the air and brought it back on the squirming butt over my knees. That of course didn't quiet down my daughter. If anything it made her thrash around even harder.

-Stay still Kim SMACK SMACK SMACK You and your sister brought this on yourselves SMACK SMACK, I spoke not only to the howling child being punished but also to the more silent awaiting one.

-Sorry daddy, sorry!, Kim kept repeating in very different tones of screeching. Some even got to hurt my ears.

-I'm sorry too darling. I am deeply sorry I cannot trust you anymore. Not only because you came into a room you very well know you cannot, but also you lied, I said letting them know just how disappointed I felt about this whole thing. Being so, I lowered the small shorts and underwear that so far had protected her tiny bum from the flying smacks. But no more.

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